励志演讲 :信息技术的力量(5)
In the farmer suitacle industry, the ability to simulate the interaction of chemicals, and do it in the computer rather than in test-tubes and Petri dishes, can speed up by years the discovery and tes
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This story starts: I was at a friend's house, 故事的开头是这样的:我在一个朋友家里 and she had on her shelf a copy of the DSM manual, which is the manual of mental disorders. 在她的架子上有一本《DSM手册》,就是《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》 It lis
Let's show them that the way you look is just one part of your identity and that the truth is we love them for who they are and what they do and how they make us feel. 让我们向他们表明长相只是身份的一部分,而事实是我们爱他们