Sec. Geithner tightens the reins
In one of his first acts as Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner today announced new rules that will make it harder for banks to lobby for a share of money set aside by the Emergency Economic S
奥巴马讲话 期待美国复苏迈出更为坚实脚步
Hi, everybody. About a year ago, I promised that 2014 would be a breakthrough year for America. And this week, we got more evidence to back that up. In December, our businesses created 240,000 new job
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This is my supermarket. Not such a big one. I want to say just a word about salad dressing. 这是我家附近的一个超市。不算很大。我只想说说这里的色拉调料。 175 salad dressings in my supermarket, 我这家超市有175种各式色拉调料, if you don't count t
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