Thomas Suarez在Ted英语演讲: 12岁的APP开发者
I've always had a fascination for computers and technology, and I made a few apps for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. I'd like to share a couple with you today. 我一直都对计算机与科技很入迷, 我研制了一些适用于Iphone, iTou
Ted英语演讲:当地球人口达到100亿时 我们将如何生存
Charles C. Mann在Ted的演讲,当地球人口超100亿,我们又将如何生存? Charles C. Mann: How will we survive when the population hits 10 billion? 当地球人口达到100亿时,我们将如何生存 How are we doing? No, no, no, by that, I meant, how are we, h
Mr. Vice President, Mr. Chief Justice, and fellow citizens, I accept with humility the honor which the American people have conferred upon me. 尊敬的副总统,尊敬的大法官阁下,敬爱的美国民众,身兼总统之职是我的荣幸。 I accept it with a d
A time for global action
We are living through a time of global economic challenges that cannot be met by half measures or the isolated efforts of any nation. Now, the leaders of the Group of 20 have a responsibility to take
Ted英语演讲:令人惊讶的动机科学-职业分析师Dan Pink
TED Technology, Entertainment, Design在英语中的缩写,美国的一家私有非营利机构,以它组织的TED大会著称;将"用思想的力量来改变世界"作为宗旨。事实上,除了科技、娱乐、设计的主题,这场盛会涉及的领域还在不断扩展,展现着涉及几乎各个领域的各种见解,TED的演讲简短且深刻,参加者们称它为 “超级大脑SPA”。 I need to make a conf