奥巴马演讲 支持重建新奥尔良2
So for example, efforts to rebuild schools and hospitals, to repair damaged roads and bridges, to get people back to their homes -- they were tied up for years in a tangle of disagreements and byzanti
TED演讲之幕后揭秘 伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特谈呵护创造力及减轻创作压力(8)
When I heard that story, it started to shift a little bit the way that I worked too, and this idea already saved me once. 这个故事潜移默化地改变了我的工作方式,这一转变已经拯救了我一次,这个故事潜移默化地改变了我的工作方式,这一转变已经拯救了我一次。 It saved me w
TED演讲 自杀者的生死之桥(2)
Well one day, curiosity got the better of Pandora,and she did open the box. 终于有一天,好奇心战胜了潘多拉,她真的打开了盒子。 Out flew plagues, sorrows,and all sorts of evils against man. 飞出了瘟疫、悲伤,以及对人类有害的种种坏事。 The only good
And then our mothers tell us, Careful you don't fall down, because you'll fall over. 然后母亲告诉我们,没有跌倒也要小心,因为你还会掉下来。 Now, go into the real atmosphere of this planet. 现在,进入这个行星真正的大气层。 This planet h
We have a chance this year, to reclaim our heritage as a country that dreams big and makes the impossible happen. 我们今年有一个机会,重现我们作为一个国家敢于梦想、敢于冒险的遗产。 Fortunately, Donald Trump is incapable of thinking s