You see, I forgave myself that morning. 瞧,那天早晨我原谅了自己。 I let go of the guilt, the weight that was on my shoulders lifted, my penance was paid, and I got back in good graces with my God, 我抛掉了负罪感,我肩上的重负被
奥巴马每日发言 at Reception Honoring Ambassadors
REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT AT RECEPTION HONORING AMBASSADORS THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Well, I want to welcome all of you to the White House. Michelle and I are honored to host you here tonigh
honorable judges, fellow students: good afternoon! recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional educati
奥巴马演讲 BP溢油应急评估1
Good afternoon, everybody. I know it’s a little warm out here so want to get started. I’ve just had a meeting with these governors, members of Congress, local officials, as well as Admiral
5月9日的中美战略与经济对话欢迎晚宴上,希拉里和美国财长盖特纳分别致欢迎辞。希拉里的讲话中引用了不少中国成语,精通中文的盖特纳还在直接用中文说了一句“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”。这里是演讲原稿和附有现场交传的。 Good evening, everyone. Good evening and welcome to the Benjamin Franklin Room here