英语演讲-01 Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would be rather simple. Winning a game is success
Compare apples to apples. Who's better? 比较治疗方案之间哪个更好, Why is that? 为什么更好? Five months ago, 五个月前, I led a workshop at the largest university hospital 我在北欧最大的医学院 in Northern Europe. 组织了一次专题讨论会。 They
So we'll be with them very shortly. 因此,我们很快就会与他们会面。 To young Americans at both schools, I will be bringing a message of hope and optimism about our nation's bright future. 我会为这两所学校的美国年轻人,带对美国光明未来的希望与乐
励志演讲 :携手打造电子化世界(6)
So let me turn now to our other systems business — PCs. HP has come from virtually nowhere to become a major player — No. 3 in the world, according to IDC at the end of FY 97. This growth has been fue
TED演讲之身体语言 气味背后的科学(5)
And...but...but...we have to go a little beyond that. 我们需要进一步深入。 Now let me explain why vibrational theory has some sort of interest in it. 现在我来解释为什么震动理论有一定的道理。 These molecules, as you saw in the begi