奥巴马每周电台演说:Lessons and Renewal Out of the Gulf&n
WEEKLY ADDRESS: President Obama Marks Fourth Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina; Will Visit New Orleans Later This Year WASHINGTON – In this week’s address, President Barack Obama remembered the tragedy
Ted英语演讲:Derek Sivers不要把你的目标告诉别人
请大家想想 你们最大的人生目标。 实际的人生目标。你得想一会儿。你有感觉知道你的目标。 花几秒钟想想人生最大的目标,好么? 想象一下,立马做出决定 你将要做的事情。 想象一下,告诉你今天遇到的人你将要做什么 想象他们的祝贺 和你在他们眼中的英伟形象。 Derek Sivers: Keep your goals to yourself Everyone, please think of
Not only are there theoretical fixes; those fixes have been tried. 这里不仅仅有理论上的修复,这些修复已经被投入试验 They've worked. And they offer hope for the rest of us. 并且是起作用的。这也为我们其他人提供了希望 I'm going to show you what I m
Remarks by President Donald Trump et al. at Signing of Trade Executive Orders
特朗普总统签署新贸易政令讲话。 President Trump: Thank you. During the campaign, I traveled the nation and visited the cities and towns devastated by unfair trade policies, probably one of the major reasons I’m here
"How our schools should be"
"This kind of innovative school…is an example of how all our schools should be," President Obama said yesterday, as he and Mrs. Obama visited a public charter school in Washington, D.