With the end of combat operations in Iraq days ahead, the President salutes our troops for their service and pledges to fulfill America’s commitment to them as veterans. Remarks of President Barack Ob
TED演讲之败中求胜 医生们会犯错误(2)
Now let's take this back into my world of medicine where I'm a lot more comfortable, 现在让我们回到我的世界,医疗领域。这个领域我比较熟悉, or perhaps a bit less comfortable after what I'm going to talk to you about. 但我接下来要说的却让
A recent study by a group of psychologists in the journal Science 几位心理学家最近在《科学》杂志上发表了一篇研究论文 found that people are extremely poor at predicting their futures 他们发现人极其不擅长预测自己的未来 The study showed 他们的研究显示
One car emits four tons. And actually 700 and change million cars today emit 2.8 billion tons of CO2. 一辆汽车排放4吨二氧化碳。现在的7亿辆汽车排放28亿吨二氧化碳。 That's, in the additive, about 25 percent of our problem. 那只是我们所有
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I'm speaking to you from the Middle East, where I have been meeting with friends and allies. We're discussing how we can work together to confront the extremists who threa