Franklin D. Roosevelt - For a Declaration of War (1941)
At 7:53 a.m. on Sunday, December 7, 1941, the first assault wave of Japanese fighter planes attacked the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, taking the Americans completely by surprise. The first
Today we have the special privilege of welcoming a leader of innovation 今天我们特别荣幸地请到了创新领袖 Susan Wojcicki 苏珊·沃西基 As CEO of the world's most popular digital platform, YouTube 作为全世界最受欢迎的数字平台YouTube的首席
I ask you to share with me today the majesty of this moment. 今天,在这个时刻,我要求你们和我分享这种崇高肃穆的感情。 In the orderly transfer of power, we celebrate the unity that keeps us free. 在有秩序的权力交接中,我们欢庆我们的团结一致,它使我们保有自由。
Hi, everybody. 大家好! This week, I visited a company in Raleigh, North Carolina that helps make electric motors that save businesses money on energy costs and cut harmful carbon pollution. 本周,我参观了北卡罗来纳罗
【背景提示】 The Vice President gives a significant speech in Kenya weeks before a pivotal vote on a new constitution. 正在肯尼亚访问的美国副总统拜登9日说,美国珍视与肯尼亚的友好关系,支持肯尼亚为实现国家改革所做的努力。 拜登当天在肯尼亚国际会议中心与肯尼亚政府青年官员座谈时说,美国希望今