My Fellow Americans, 我的美国同胞们, I had the profound honor this week of addressing American troops at Fort Myer and speaking to thousands of veterans at the American Legion National Convention. 我很荣幸本周在迈尔堡
President David Feng’s New Year Speech (2007)
Dear Members,Dear Friends, A new year is with us again. 2007 has started. How time flies. Whoever said that time waits for no man is obviously more than correct. 2007 is a big year for us. Starting in
Over the years, I found that animations aren't just useful for communicating an idea, 多年以来,我发现动画不仅仅便于交流思想, but they're also really useful for exploring a hypothesis. 它们同样在探索假说上发挥作用。 Biologists for the
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Tuesday, I will board Air Force One and depart for a trip to the Middle East. This is a region of great strategic importance to the United States, and I'm looking forwa
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