Hi, everybody. Five years ago, after the worst financial crisis in decades, we passed historic Wall Street reform to end the era of bailouts and too big to fail. 大家好!五年前,在经历几十年来最为严重的金融危机之后,我们破天荒地通过了《华
According to the BBC and the Chinese government's press release, 根据BBC和中国政府的官方消息 January 2015 saw a peak of Cesarean sections. Why? 2015年1月迎来了剖腹产的高潮。为什么? That was the last month for the Year of th
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In his latest such conversation, President Obama joined Congressional leaders and middle school children to congratulate astronauts aboard the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle Endeavo
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TED Technology, Entertainment, Design在英语中的缩写,美国的一家私有非营利机构,以它组织的TED大会著称;将"用思想的力量来改变世界"作为宗旨。事实上,除了科技、娱乐、设计的主题,这场盛会涉及的领域还在不断扩展,展现着涉及几乎各个领域的各种见解,TED的演讲简短且深刻,参加者们称它为 “超级大脑SPA”。 I want to talk about 4.6 bil