Working Towards An Electronic World 建立电子化世界 For many years now, HP has been working towards a world of pervasive information technologies that will characterize the 21 st century. 多年年来,惠普公司一直在位建立一个信息技
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So I know TED is about a lot of things that are big, 我知道TED总是谈一些大事 but I want to talk to you about something very small. 但是我想讲一件微不足道的小事 So small, it's a single word. 小到只有一个词 The word is "misf
1996 Wellesley Commencement Address(Excerpt)
女性演讲特辑之四:美国已故女性作家在母校告诉母校的毕业生们,不要拘泥于做窈窕淑女,“搞点事情” 1996 Wellesley Commencement Address(Excerpt) By Nora Ephron Anyway, as I was saying, the Crimson had this snippy article which said that Wellesley was a
Lady gaga白宫前支持同性恋演讲:怒斥奥巴马未兑现承诺(演讲稿)
在美国,同性恋依然会遭受歧视,甚至是校园霸凌事件,也就是欺负同性恋。造成同性恋因遭受同学霸凌而自杀,Lady Gaga白宫前演讲,怒斥奥巴马未兑现竞选前对同性恋朋友的承诺,并希望美国政府制裁校园霸凌事件。据美国官方数据显示,全美每年有将近1300万名学生遭遇被霸凌的困境,女神卡卡一直以来致力推动反霸凌,她已经成为那些被霸凌害怕上学的青少年视为力量之源。 Hello my friends! I ha