President's Radio Address
November 24, 2007 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week our Nation celebrated Thanksgiving. American families and friends gathered together to express gratitude for all that we have been given. We gi
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He says, "I'm a great golfer. I want to compete. 马丁说:“作为一名优秀的高尔夫球手,我希望参加比赛” But I need a golf cart to get from one hole to the next." “但是我需要一部高尔夫球车,来帮助我在场上自由行动” Suppose you were on the S
奥巴马电台演讲:Protecting Press Freedoms Worldwid
【Speech Video】 President Obama signs the Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act in the Oval Office. The act helps reinforce the Nation’s commitment to press freedom around the world by directing the St
So today's top chef class is in how to rob a bank, and it's clear that the general public needs guidance, because the average bank robbery nets. 今天的“顶级大厨”寓教于食,揭秘怎么抢银行,显然,大众对这个外行。 因为一般的劫匪抢一次银行.