
And eat some Mac and Cheese wedges I actually hear the atmosphere is very, what's the right word, colorful?.

然后吃一些通心粉和楔形奶酪我听说这里的气候非常 怎么说来着 多彩吗

I wanted to go to Sunset Point and sit on a bench then go over to Beta Rock over in South Quad.

我本想到日落景点 坐在长凳上然后到南面的Beta岩去

Although my health commissioner back at home advised me not to sit on that Most of all -- and can you blame me? -- I was hoping to see Gourdzilla.

只是我在纽约的健康专员建议我别坐在那个上最重要地 别说我 我想看看Gourdzilla

I wanted to do all of that incidentally before coming here but instead I must admit, I spent the entire morning looking for parking.

来之前 我本已计划好做所有这些事情结果整个早上却被花在找停车位上

I just had no idea how hard it is to park on this campus I think I'm way out in South Lot 2.


The only reason I made it here on time was that I sent out an "All-Stu" to get a lift from here to there.

我现在能够按时到达完全是因为我发了一份All-Stu 才搭车到了这

Anyways, I'm not quite as prepared for today as you graduates are but that's okay because life is really looking forward.

不管怎样 我今天没有你们这些毕业生准备得充分不过这没关系 因为生活总是向前看的

As you commence a new phase in your life And as you do, what's most important.

你们即将毕业 开始人生的新阶段在这个过程中 最重要的

Is not what you are able to remember from your classes because after all, over time, you will forget most of the books you read.

不是你能从课上记住些什么因为时间长了以后 你会忘掉大部分书本知识

The equations you memorized, the studies you analyzed the papers you wrote, the tests you took.

各种背过的公式 分析过的研究内容你写的论文 及你参加过的考试内容

Believe it or not, I forgot all of my seventh grade Latin when I was listing to the conferring of degrees.

不管你们信不信 我把我七年级学过的拉丁语忘干净了拉丁语是当时我为了获得学位而修的

It's inevitable -- it happens to all of us but what's important is not remembering what you've learned.

这是不可避免的 每个人都会如此不过重要的不是记住你们学了什么知识

It's realizing how much more there still is to learn Some of you will continue your formal education.


You may go back to school down the road And some of you never want to sit in a classroom again for the rest of your lives.


Regardless, my advice to you is don't let your education end here.

不管怎样 我给你们的建议是不要让学习终止于此





