绝招一:排比的运用 排比是一种写作修辞手法,也是一种普遍应用的演讲技巧。排比是用句法结构相同的段落、句子或词组,把两个或多个事物加以比较,借以突出它们的共同点和不同点。很多时候,排比的段落或句子是以一种递进的方式排列,营造出一种雷霆万钧的气势,同时琅琅上口,富有乐感。 曹丰 清华大学 第十一届“21世纪·澳门之星杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军开场白 When I was in the primar
As I huddled with a Saudi business contact in a conference room in Madinah, just a few miles from the final resting place of the Prophet Muhammad last month, I was struck by how exotic and yet how fam
How to begin 如何开头 To tell a story (about yourself); 讲个(自己的)故事; To acknowledge the occasion of the gathering; 对大家能够聚在一起表示感谢; To pay the listeners a compliment; 称赞一下听众; To quote ; 引用名人名言; To use unusual
Public speaking is a regular — and regularly feared — part of life, so it's important to refine your skills. This year, challenge yourself by learning to lecture like a pro. Here are four tips to help
丘吉尔曾受邀在某校毕业典礼上讲话。在校长冗长的介绍后,他只说了一句话:”永远,永远,永远不要放弃。”(Never, never, never give up.)就走下讲台。这被称为历史上最短的毕业演讲。其实,这是一个误传。丘吉尔1941年在哈罗公学演讲时提到过这句话,但过程却并没有这么传奇。 每到毕业季,各大高校都会请来名人给毕业生做演讲。当这样的演讲多了,其内容不仅算不上传奇,甚至可能难免俗套。
1. "Develop a messianic sense of purpose." Where is your passion for this subject coming from? Convey that. ”对内容有很大的热忱”。告诉观众你对演讲主题的热情来自哪里。 2. "Create Twitter-like headlines." People don’t want to read
End your speech with an attitude, not a platitude. 用一种有力的态度结束你的演讲,而不是用那些陈词滥调。 Instead of firing off a perfunctory “thank you,” consider launching fireworks of final passionate thoughts from the podium
引起听众的兴趣 - I’m going to be speaking about something that is vitally important to all of us. - My presentation will help solve a problem that has puzzled people for years... - At the end of this present