英文欣赏:The Best Nourishment of Life 生命最好的养料

Part 2 The Best Nourishment of Life

第二部分 生命最好的养料

A little boy almost thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world because poliomyelitis made his leg lame and his teeth uneven and protrudent. He seldom played with his classmates; and when the teacher asked him to answer questions, he always lowered his head without a word.


One spring, the boy's father asked for some saplings from the neighbor. He wanted to plant them in the front of the house. He told his children to plant a sapling each person. The father said to the children, "Whose seedling grows best, I will buy him or her a favorite gift." The boy also wanted to get his father's gift. But seeing his brothers and sisters carrying water to water the trees bouncily, anyhow, he hit upon an idea: he hoped the tree he planted would die soon. So watering it once or twice, he never attended to it.


A few days later, when the little boy went to see his tree again, he was surprised to find it not only didn't wilt, but also grew some fresh leaves, and compared with the trees of his brother and sister, his appeared greener and more vital. His father kept his promise,bought the little boy his favorite gift and said to him: from the tree he planted, he would become an outstanding botanist when he grew up.


Since then, the little boy slowly became optimistic. One day, the little boy lay on the bed but couldn't sleep. Looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, he suddenly recalled what the biology teacher once said, plants general grow at night. Why not go to see the tree? When he came to the courtyard on tiptoe, he found his father was splashing something under his tree with a ladle. All of a sudden, he understood: his father had been secretly fertilizing his small tree! He returned to his room, tears running down his face without restraint.

从那以后,小男孩慢慢变得乐观起来。一天晚上,小男孩躺在床上睡不着,望着窗外明亮的月光,突然想起生物老师说过植物一般都在晚上生长。何不去看看自己种的那棵小树呢? 当他轻手轻脚地来到院子里的时候,却看见父亲正用勺子在自己栽种的那棵树下泼洒着什么。顿时,一切他都明白了,原来父亲一直在为自己栽种的树苗偷偷地施肥!他返回房间,止不住泪流满面。

Decades passed. The little boy didn't become a botanist, but he was elected President of the United States. His name was Franklin Roosevelt.


Love is the best nourishment of life; even if it is just one ladleful of clear water, it can make the tree of life thrive. Maybe that tree is inconspicuous; perhaps that the tree is so thin, and even some withered, but as long as there is nourishment of love, it can flourish and even grow into towering trees.


1. think of oneself as 把…看作

Don't think of your product as a computer


2. ask for 请求,要求;寻找

He ask for leave of absence to visit his mother in hospital.


3. in the front of 在…前面,在前部

He sat in the front of the car.


4. hit upon 偶然发现,偶然碰到

She hit upon a good title for her new novel.

她突然灵机一动, 为自己的新小说想出了一个很好的书名.

5. attend to 注意;照料;致力于

He is really too busy to attend to anything else.

他实在太忙, 无法分身。