双语美文之似水流年 (60)内卡河上木筏行(2)

These rafts were of a shape and construction to the crookedness and extreme narrowness of the Neckar.


They were from fifty to one hundred yards long, and they gradually tapered from a nine-log breadth at their sterns, to a three-log breadth at their bow-ends.


The main part of the steering is done at the bow, with a pole;the three-log breadth there furnishes room for only the steersman, for these little logs are not larger around that an average young lady's waist.


The connections of the several sections of the raft are slack and pliant, so that the raft may be readily bent into any sort of curve required by the shape of the river.


The Neckar is in many places so narrow that a person can throw a dog across it, if he has one;when it is also sharply curved in such places, the raftsman has to do some pretty nice snug piloting to make the turns.


The river is not always allowed to spread over its whole bed—which is as much as thirty, and sometimes forty yards wide.


but is split into three equal bodies of water, by stone dikes which throw the main volume,depth,and current into the central one.


In low water these neat narrow-edged dives project four or five inches above the surface, like the comb of a submerged roof, but in high water they are overflowed.


A hatful of rain makes high water in the Neckar, and produces an overflow.


There are dikes abreast the Schloss Hotel, and the current s vioiontty swift at that point.


I used to sit for hours in my glass caoe, watching the long, narrow rafts slip along through the central channel.


马克吐温(Mark Twain ),美国作家。本名塞谬尔朗赫恩克莱门斯。马克?吐温是其笔名。他出生于密西西比河畔小城汉尼拔的一个乡村贫穷律师家庭。他从小在外拜师学徒,当过排字工人,密西西比河 水手、南军士兵,还经营过木材业、矿业和出版业,但有效的工作是当记者和写幽默文学。马克吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,世界著名的短篇小说大师。他经历了美国从“自由”资本主义到帝国主义的发展过程,其思想和创作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺再到悲观厌世的发展阶段。

1.solemnity n.庄严;严肃;庄重

The patrol alone in the mountain, the solemnity of the tour, long whistle echoes.


My eyes must have been a little crazy with solemnity.


2.perfection n.完美;完善

The goal isn't perfection, it is excellence.


But if all we identify with is our story, we forget the complete perfection that exists in the present moment.


3.vexations n.烦恼

Compassion has no enemies; wisdom, no vexations.


And why the vexations are more and more?
