
The Outside Chance


It's a funny thing about money. If you haven't got it, you think it's the most important thing in the world. That's how I used to think. I don't any more, and I learned it in the hard way.


My teacher at school used to say: "When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers." It means if you want something really badly, you'll probably get it. But you'll get it in a way you don't expect. You might have to pay a price you didn't bargain for.


It started one rainy day, when I was coming home from work. I'm a mechanic, and I liked working in a garage. But I was restless. I'd always had this dream of owning my own business. That's why I'd left my parents in Selby, and come to London.


Dad and I had arguments about it. He didn't see why I should want to leave home when I had enough to live on. Enough for what? To live as he had, with nothing to look him, but it annoyed me to see him so content. He had nothing to show for all those years of work in that noisy factory.


All this was on my mind, as I walked home that night. I stopped and bought a newspaper outside the Tube. I didn't know when I first realized there was something wrong with the paper. As if there was a gap in the news. Then I looked at the front page, and instead of Tuesday 22nd Nov., it said Wednesday 23rd Nov. Somehow, I had bought tomorrow's paper today!





