英语沙龙:济慈书信To Benjamin Bailey, 22 November 1817
To Benjamin Bailey, 22 November 1817
My dear Bailey,
I will get over the first part of this (unsaid) Letter as soon as possible for it relates to the affair of poor Crips - To a Man of your nature such a Letter as Haydon's must have been extremely cutting - What occasions the greater part of the World's Quarrels? Simply this, two Minds meet and do not understand each other time enough to prevent any shock or surprise at the conduct of either party - As soon as I had known Haydon three days I had got enough of his character not to have been surprised at such a Letter as he has hurt you with.
Don't, because you have suddenly discover'd a Coldness in Haydon suffer yourself to be teased. Do not my dear fellow. O I wish I was as certain of the end of all your troubles as that of your momentary start about the authenticity of the Imagination. I am certain of nothing but of the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of Imagination - What the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth - whether it existed before or not - for I have the same idea of all our passions as of love: they are all, in their sublime, creative of essential beauty. In a word, you may know my favorite speculation by my first book, and the little song