Fellow South Africans, We are nearing the end of another momentous year in the history of our young democracy. This year has taken us closer to the achievement of a non-racial, non-sexist, democratic
The few surfaces not covered by signs are often clad in a distinctive, dark green-gray, striated aluminum siding. 这仅存的没有被商标遮盖的建筑,一般都被包裹在有特色的阴暗铝灰条纹的铝制外壁板之中。 Take-out sandwich shops, 比如三明治快餐小店, film pro
Hi, everybody. On Tuesday, I gave my final State of the Union Address. And a focus was this: how do we make the new economy work better for everyone, not just those at the top? After the worst economi
But, if every one of you changed the lives of just ten people 但是 如果你们每个人能够改变十个人的命运 and each one of those people changed the lives of another ten people 然后这十个人中的每一个再改变另外十个人的命运 and another ten 依此类推 then
Climate change is just one of many issues where our security is linked to the rest of the world. 在众多问题上,我们的安全与世界紧密相关,气候变化只是其一。 And that's why the third big question that we have to answer together
President Hollande, Mr. Secretary General, fellow leaders, We have come to Paris to show our resolve. We offer our condolences to the people of France for the barbaric attacks on this beautiful city.
It is on Wednesday of Hell Week that you paddle down to the mud flats 地狱周的周三 你要划桨到泥滩 and spend the next 15 hours trying to survive the freezing cold 并在极度严寒的环境下生存15个小时 the howling wind and the incessan
We remember the journalists unjustly imprisoned around the world, including our own Jason Rezaian. 我们铭记被不公正的关押在世界各地的记者,包括我们自己的Jason Rezaian。 For nine months, Jason has been imprisoned in Tehran for no
It will always be in conflict 总会有矛盾斗争 If you accept that, everything gets a lot better 如果你接受这一事实 一切都会好得多 The other reason is 另一个原因是 because you are establishing your identities and your beliefs 因为你在建立
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I am Mike Crapo and I represent the people of the great state of Idaho in the United States Senate. This season is a time to gather with loved ones and celebrate th
Back at SCVNGR, we like to joke that with seven game dynamics, 在SCVNGR的时候,我们总开玩笑说,如果有7个玩游戏的动机的话, you can get anyone to do anything. 我们就能让任何人做任何事情。 And so today, I'm going to show you four, 今天我给大家介
I mean, it can't get more depressing 我是说 没有更让人沮丧的了 You have, in fact, already begun to die 你们实际上已经开始迈向死亡 You look great 你们气色很好 Don't get me wrong. And you know, you are youth and beauty 不要误解我的
In summer of 2015, public officials in our province of Saskatchewan issued a decree: that all affected people leave their homes and in mass exodus, travel to places of refuge where they could be safe
While it may appear to be a completely chaotic place, 虽然它看上去好像是一个很混乱的地方, when you see it from above, there seems to be a whole grid of waterways and canals connecting each and every home. 但当你从上往下看,那里好
But I'll tell you, we've built a great company 我们建立起了一家伟大的公司 but the best thing of all is we put that 111 model in 不过最重要的是 我们有这种111模式 so today I'm very proud to be able to tell you that 今天
We live in uncertain times, but one thing remains a constant: Scots making their mark on the world. Whether it is the arts, sport, business, philanthropy or cutting-edge technology, you can bank on Sc
Now once we mate, we click on the egg. 我们一旦交配之后,就可以点这个蛋。 And this is where the game starts getting interesting, 这样游戏就变得很有趣了, because one of the things we really focused on here was giving the players
Your Excellency Mr. François Hollande, President of France, Distinguished Heads of State and Government, Your Excellency Mr. Laurent Fabius, President of COP21, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
That's the end. 故事讲完了。 The next story is called The Haverpiece Collection. 下一个故事叫做《哈弗皮斯的收藏》。 A nondescript warehouse, 这是一个难以描述的仓库, visible for a moment from the northbound lanes of the Prykushko E
Every morning in SEAL training 海豹训练中 每个早晨 my instructors, who at the time were all Viet Nam veterans 我的教官 当时都是一些越战老兵 would show up in my barracks room 他们会来到我的营房 and the first thing they would do was i