People who witness injustice and want to expose it, and now they can because they have a camera in their pocket all the time. 目睹不公正想揭露它的人们现在可以做到了,因为他们的口袋里现在一直都装着一部相机。 Our commitment goes beyond the pr
That's exactly what we are doing. 而这恰恰是我们正在做的事情。 For more than a year, America has led a coalition of more than 60 countries to cut off ISIL's financing, disrupt their plots, stop the flow of
Well, I am confident that it will look much, much better 我相信 它会变得越来越好 but if you will humor this old sailor for just a moment 请大家再耐心听我这个老水兵给你们讲讲 I have a few suggestions that may help you on your way
Hi, everybody. Seven years ago, the American auto industry was on the brink of collapse. Plants were closing. Hundreds of thousands of workers were getting laid off from jobs that had been their ticke
The final one I want to talk about -- and it's a great one to end on -- 我最后想讲的是——用来结尾很好的例子是 is this concept of communal discovery, 社群探索的概念, a dynamic in which everyone has to work together to achi
So this is work from a colleague in Toronto. 这个工作是我们一个多伦多的同事完成的。 What they showed is that, initially, 他们发现一开始参加实验的人的表现 you know, subjects perform where they are expected to perform given their age. 和他
When you start to mock them, it hurts. 那些统治者一旦被嘲讽,就会坐立不安。 Now, everybody is talking about His Majesty, the Internet, 现在,人们都在谈论尊贵的因特网殿下, and it is also a very useful skill, but don't rush to label
Christmas is a joyful and loving time when we welcome home far-flung family and friends, and relax and reminisce with those closest to us. It is also a time for reflection, and thanking those who have
I went a few years ago to a conference, and on Friday of the three-day conference, 几年前我去参加一个学术会议,连开三天,第一天是周五 one of the participants took me aside, and she said, 一个与会者把我叫到一边,她说 "I suffer from dep
Chun jie kuai le! 春节快乐! Wo shi lian he guo mi shu zhang pan ji wen. 我是联合国秘书长潘基文。 The Year of the Monkey has come. I'm also a "monkey". Monkey implies intelligence, agility and good fortu
Hi, everybody. As I said in my State of the Union Address, we live in a time of extraordinary change – change that's affecting the way we live and the way we work. New technology replaces any job
The big men in the other boat crews 其它船上的大个子 would always make good natured fun of the tiny little flippers 总喜欢拿这些小个子的小脚蹼开玩笑 the munchkins put on their tiny little feet prior to every swim 每次游泳之前 他们都会
It was called Emerson 它叫爱默生 And I came here in May for a meeting 我五月来到这里 and it was told there was not much chance to get into the fall semester 学校告诉我 我没有秋季入学的机会 especially a migrate 特别是非本地人 Then I ju
Anyway, it's amazing how time flies. 不管怎样,时间过的很神奇。 Soon, the first presidential contest will take place, and I for one cannot wait to see who the Koch brothers pick. 很快,第一轮总统竞选将开始,我迫不及待地想看看谁科赫兄弟的选
If you want to change the world 如果你想改变世界 sometimes you have to slide down the obstacle head first 有时你就需要像这样冒险 During the land warfare phase of training 在训练的陆战阶段 the students are flown out to San Cleme
Is it simply the byproduct of a crude mechanical action? 它仅仅是一个粗糙机械制作的副产品? Or is it an imitation of one half the set of sounds we make to express disappointment? 或者对我们抒发不满的一种声音的一半所进行的模仿? The often den
Smarten up, hey, smarten up, hey, smarten up 聪明些 嘿 聪明些 嘿 聪明些 That was the cure for dyslexia 失读症就是这样治的 In fact, one day 实际上 有一天 the guy in my high school called my mom and he said 我的高中老师把我妈妈找来说 have yo
Hello,everybody.This week,Americans across our country have shown what it means to be strong in the face of terrorism.In San Bernardino,even as the community continues to grieve,people are refusing to
I leaned something that day 那天 我得到了一些教训 and what I learned is if you are going to connect your business and your philanthropy 我认识到 如果你要将经营和慈善结合起来 you better make sure that is integrated deep into your
And I'll tell you I was sitting out here not so long ago, but life does go fast 我想说 我不久前也坐在这里 但时间过得太快 and I made an unusual decision, I was graduating on a Friday just like you are here and Monday