亚洲演讲与辩论锦标赛(7-18岁,3v3 Debate),面向亚太地区在校中小学生,将于2024年8月24-25日举行: “Asian best and brightest school debaters as they compete for their age group’s ASDC. The Asia Cup will provide regular high-quality
亚洲新手辩论锦标赛2024采用「BP」赛制,将于7月13-14日举行。 The tournament aims to be a platform for Novice debaters to compete against each other in a platform of their peers, which seeks to enhance various aspects of criti
亚洲杯 · 亚洲学校辩论锦标赛(7-18岁,3v3 Debate),面向亚太地区在校中小学生,将于2024年7月20-21日举行: “Asian best and brightest school debaters as they compete for their age group’s ASDC. The Asia Cup will provide regular high-qua
亚洲学校辩论公开赛2024采用「WSDC」赛制,将于6月29-30日举行。 The annual tournament seeks to enhance students' debating skills critical thinking and persuasion skills. The tournament will involve four (4) preliminary r
亚洲演讲与辩论锦标赛(7-18岁,3v3 Debate),面向亚太地区在校中小学生,将于2024年7月20-21日举行: “Asian best and brightest school debaters as they compete for their age group’s ASDC. The Asia Cup will provide regular high-quality
加拿大杯BP 辩论锦标赛开始报名啦 2024赛事具体安排已出 内附赛事与课程报名二维码 The CANADA CUP(Canada Cup 2024)is a prestigious BP debate tournament that seeks to go above and beyond what is typically offered at a high school debat
加拿大杯BP 辩论锦标赛开始报名啦 2024赛事具体安排已出 内附赛事与课程报名二维码 The CANADA CUP(Canada Cup 2024)is a prestigious BP debate tournament that seeks to go above and beyond what is typically offered at a high school debat
加拿大杯BP 辩论锦标赛开始报名啦 2024赛事具体安排已出 内附赛事与课程报名二维码 The CANADA CUP(Canada Cup 2024)is a prestigious BP debate tournament that seeks to go above and beyond what is typically offered at a high school debate tou
西雅图大学辩论锦标赛五月赛(Seattle University Speech and Debate Tournament - May)现已开始报名。 比赛时间:5月17-18日 比赛平台:Zoom 赛 制 :Parli Debate(3 on 3);Public Forum 辩 题 : 注:PF赛制辩题与5月哈佛国际辩论锦标赛相同 PF Debate: Resolved: The Unite
哈佛国际辩论锦标赛五月赛「Harvard Debate Intl Tournaments May 2024」将于5月11日举行。 该项赛事与5月18日的西雅图大学中学生辩论锦标赛五月赛使用相同辩题: Resolved: The United Nations should abolish permanent membership on its Security Council. 正在报名
西雅图大学辩论锦标赛五月赛(Seattle University Speech and Debate Tournament - May)现已开始报名。 比赛时间:5月17-18日 比赛平台:Zoom 赛 制 :Public Forum 辩 题 : Resolved: The United Nations should abolish permanent membe
TOC The Middle School Tournament of Champions (MSTOC)由肯塔基大学举办(简称UK)。美国TOC是一项顶尖的辩论与演讲赛事,每年都吸引着大量的辩论与演讲优胜者参加。 炫酷营地,超高性价比:2024美国西雅图大学学术辩论&锦标赛夏令营 2024春季辩论演讲课程|春季演讲与辩论赛、WSC备赛课程 报名信息 报名截止时间:2024年4月28日 比
宾夕法尼亚大学世界学校辩论锦标赛(Penn World Schools Debating Championships 2024)现已开始报名。 比赛时间:4月5-7日 比赛平台:Zoom 参赛资格: Younger than 20 years old by the last day of the competition;Must not be enrolled in