逻辑是帮助我们说话清晰的基础,缺乏逻辑思维,很多时候容易话说不清楚。那么如何提高逻辑思维呢?逻辑思维能力不是天生的,而是通过不断学习获得的。 一、学习使用“PREP+A”的逻辑 P (Point,观点), R (Reason,原因), E(Example,实例), P(Point),A(Action,行动)。 在一个正式的对话、讲演或文案中,通常可以遵循以下逻辑步骤: P:首先,简明扼要地陈述你的
14 years ago, I gave a commencement speech at another New Jersey school. 14年前,我在新泽西的另一所学校做了一场毕业演讲。 Through the magic of Google search, I was able to do a "back to the future moment," 通过谷歌搜索的
We had to get lucky in a lot of different ways. And sometimes, it's better to be lucky than good. 在很多方面我们都需要幸运的眷顾。有时,运气比正确操作更重要。 In this case, we were both, I like to think. But light had to come
How do you define ... "Daily active usage" seems like a really dangerous term to be optimizing. Taken, 你是如何定义……过于美化“每日活跃参与度”这个数值似乎是一件危险的事, taken alone, it is, but you didn't let me finis
You'll see here that some light from behind it gets lensed, and some light does a loop-the-loop around the entire orbit of the black hole. 你现在看到的是在黑洞后面的一些光透过它,有些光的确会一直绕着黑洞转。 But when you get enoug
Fortunately, in the 1950's, conformity was encouraged -- though we were also in a period of transition. 幸运的是,20世纪50年代,人们鼓励随大流--虽然当时我们也处于转型期。 Women were finding our voices at Wellesley, but we were