哈佛/UCLA邀请赛 PF 11/12月辩题:
Resolved: The United States federal government should forgive all federal student loan debt.
1、How Much Student Loan Debt Does the Average College Graduate Have?
Data reported to U.S. News by 1,012 colleges in an annual survey showed that graduates from the class of 2022 who took out student loans en route to a bachelor's degree borrowed $29,417 on average. That's about $2,200 more than borrowers from the class of 2012 had to shoulder, representing a roughly 8% increase in the amount students borrowed over that decade.
The average debt of graduates varies based on institution type, per U.S. News data. Those who graduated in 2022 from a ranked private college borrowed more on average, at $23,627, than public college graduates, who took out $20,371.
The average total student loan debt, which includes both federal and private loans, jumped more than $5,500 from 2009 to 2015, but in recent years the average amount borrowed has stabilized.

2、What is student loan forgiveness?
Loan forgiveness means a debt (or part of a debt) is eliminated or forgiven in finance parlance—relieving the borrower of the obligation to repay it. Although any student loan can theoretically be forgiven, student loan forgiveness generally applies to U.S. government-issued or government-backed loans.
The highly publicized collapse of several for-profit colleges and the pandemic-induced 2020 economic crisis intensified longstanding concerns about the mounting burden of student debt. Broad loan forgiveness for all borrowers, not just those who work in public service, participate in a repayment plan, or have been defrauded by their college, has become a widely debated political issue.
1、What They Are Reading in the States: More than 4 Million Student Loan Borrowers Enrolled in New Biden-Harris Administration SAVE Plan
超过 400 万学生贷款借款人加入了新的拜登-哈里斯政府 SAVE 计划
The most affordable repayment plan ever, the SAVE plan will save millions of borrowers money on their monthly payments. Borrowers who earn less than $15 an hour will not be required to make payments, and anyone who does earn more will save more than $1000 on payments. The SAVE Plan also ensures that borrowers never see their balance grow due to unpaid interest as long as they keep up with their payments.
In Michigan, some 143,600 student loan borrowers already are set up to reduce their monthly payments through the brand new SAVE income-driven repayment plan, according to information released Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Education. The figure reflects both those who signed up on their own and those who were automatically shifted over from an earlier income-driven repayment plan, called REPAYE.
2、Student Loan Forgiveness FAQs: The Details, Explained
SAVE is expected to significantly reduce the monthly payments of many low- and middle-income borrowers and provide a shorter path to loan forgiveness.
SAVE will be rolled out in stages, and all program features won’t be active until 2024. But the application for SAVE is now open, allowing the Department of Education to refine its processes before the program’s official launch.
Under that initiative, borrowers who earned less than $125,000 ($250,000 for married couples) would have been able to qualify for forgiveness of up to $10,000 of outstanding federal loans. Borrowers who received Pell Grants to pay for part of their education could have been eligible for up to $20,000 of loan forgiveness.
Following the Supreme Court ruling, the Department of Education is prohibited from forgiving any federal loans under this program.
3、662,000 Borrowers Get Student Loan Forgiveness As Improvements For Key Program Proceed
随着关键计划的进展,662,000 名借款人获得学生贷款减免
Hundreds of thousands of borrowers have received student loan forgiveness under initiatives designed to improve Public Service Loan Forgiveness, according to the Biden administration.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness, or PSLF, is a key federal student loan forgiveness program that can eliminate a borrower’s federal student loan debt after 120 “qualifying payments” — the equivalent of 10 years. But the PSLF program has long been plagued by poor administration and inadequate oversight resulting in mistakes, rejections, and dismally low approval rates that never exceeded the low single digits.
Previously, only payments made on Direct federal student loans under a 10-year Standard or income-driven repayment (IDR) plan could count toward loan forgiveness. But the Limited PSLF Waiver allowed almost any period of repayment on any federal student loan to count as far back as October 2007, when PSLF was first created.
1、Ten reasons to cancel student loan debt. This reviews 10 major reasons to cancel the debt.
本文回顾了取消债务的 10 个主要原因,节选部分内容如下(想要获取全文完整内容请私信SD小助手):
Student debt cancellation must be a federal priority for the new administration. As the devastating health and economic toll of the COVID-19 pandemic deepens, millions of student borrowers are held back by high levels of debt on top of job losses and the struggle to cover their basic needs. The pause on payments is only a temporary fix. Since student loan debt disproportionately impacts Black and Latinx borrowers, especially women, cancelling student debt is a racial and economic justice issue.
1. Student loan debt is a national crisis
2. Cancelling student debt would advance gender and racial equity
3. Cancelling student debt is good for the economy
2、Goldman Sachs has run the numbers on student-loan forgiveness. This is its assessment.
The economists then drew on both Education Department data, as well as the Federal Reserve’s survey of consumer finances, to estimate the boost to income and consumption. Though lower-income households will see the largest proportional cut in debt payments, most of them don’t have student debt. The wealthy, on the other hand, are limited by the income thresholds attached to the relief. Middle-income households will benefit the most.
What’s the impact? Payments will fall from 0.4% of personal income to 0.3%. “This modest reduction in debt payments as a share of income implies only a modest boost to GDP. Relative to a counterfactual where debt forbearance ends and normal debt payments resume, our estimates imply a 0.1 percent point boost to the level of GDP in 2023 with smaller effects in subsequent years due to the natural maturation of student loans, as well as continued growth in nominal GDP,” they say.

3、Erasing Student Debt Makes Economic Sense. So Why Is It So Hard to Do?
Since the first pandemic-era stimulus package was enacted in March 2020, millions of Americans have been able to experience life free of the crippling burden of student-loan payments. The CARES Act paused payments on federal student loans and set a 0% interest rate on those loans through September 2020; the Biden Administration has extended that pause until September 2021, affecting some 42 million borrowers.
“Having the payment suspension is very helpful,” says Persis Yu of the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC). “But it makes them kind of realize what it might be like to not have student loan debt at all.”
1、Will student loan forgiveness make inflation worse?
Larry Summers, a former Treasury secretary under President Bill Clinton, said on Twitter that student loan debt relief “raises demand and increases inflation.” Jason Furman, an economist at Harvard University and a top Obama administration economic adviser, tweeted: “Pouring roughly half trillion dollars of gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burning is reckless.”
Conservatives have also attacked the policy and said it would fuel inflation. Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, said the policy would “give away even more government money to elites with higher salaries” rather than help working families who are struggling to keep up with rising prices.
Many economists say it’s plausible for the policy to increase inflation. If people have less student loan debt to pay off, that frees up a portion of their budgets that they would otherwise spend on their loans. That might make people more likely to purchase things like new couches or cars. And as demand increases and consumers spend more, that tends to drive prices up.
2、Opinion: Canceling Student Loan Debt Would Really Only Benefit the Well-Off
Student borrowers are a diverse group, ranging from unemployed college dropouts to high-earning medical school grads and MBAs. This wide range of individuals has different needs and challenges, and specific policies can be targeted and fine-tuned to provide relief to low-income borrowers struggling to repay their loans, without making massive payments to the affluent.
My research shows that 3 in 4 dollars from universal loan forgiveness will go to individuals in the top half of the income distribution – and that half of dollars will go to those in the top third of the income distribution. This means that there would be fewer resources for important government programs or for other payments benefitting the very poor, such as investments in education and increasing access to health care services.
3、Would Canceling Student Debt Promote Racial Equity?
The nation’s $1.7 trillion in student debt is “disproportionately affecting Black Americans and communities of color,” Harrington, the group’s federal advocacy director, said during the discussion.
But while they understand the argument Harrington and others are making, some, like Sandy Baum, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute, see canceling that amount of debt for everyone with student loans as benefiting white borrowers more than Black borrowers.
Particularly when well-to-do white college graduates, able to pay back their loans just fine, would see tens of thousands of dollars in debt simply disappear.
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正在报名|哈佛国际辩论锦标赛「Harvard Debate Council Intl Tournaments Dec 2023」
Resolved: The United States federal government should forgive all federal student loan debt.


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