2024 世界学者杯 WSC(World Scholar's Cup:Reimagining The Present)-History 历史 资料详解
2024 世界学者杯 WSC(World Scholar's Cup:Reimagining the Present)即将到来,为了帮助同学们更好地备战赛事,拓展知识,开阔视野,SD团队将提供优质的资料详解。
本资料是我们的专业团队老师,详细解读2024 世界学者杯 WSC(World Scholar's Cup: Reimagining The Present) 大纲制作而成,并且精简了信息,还筛选了最贴切的图片,来帮助同学们精准快速地把握信息,同时也增加了,可读性,趣味性。

Table of Contents
Touring Ends of Eras
Topic 1: Calendar 1
Topic 2: Political Influences in Calendar
Topic 3: 1990s
Topic 4: Music in the 1990s
Noah’s Archeology
Topic 1: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Topic 2: Shakespeare’s Richard III
Topic 3: Ostia Antika and Pompeii
Topic 4: Re-exploring the History
Topic 5: Renewed Dinosaurs
Topic 6: Archaeology and Paleontology
Topic 7: The Meaning of Looking into the Past
Topic 8: AI and Language
Topic 9: Ancient Libraries
Topic 10: Anachronism, nor Not?
Touring Ends of Eras
Topic 1: Calendar
A ball drops; some scholars open red envelopes while others dip apple bits in honey. Different cultures around the world celebrate the new year differently and at different times, but all of them are marking the forward march of the calendar. Yet the fact that there are so many ways to split one year from the next suggests these divisions are ultimately arbitrary. Are they? Explore the reasons behind each of them, then discuss with your team: should we stop celebrating New Year’s as a holiday? When would be the best time of year for people to take stock of the past and think about the future?
What are the ways for people to split one year from the next, and what are the reasons behind them respectively?
Gregorian Calendar (January 1st):
When: January 1st.
Why: This is the most widely used calendar globally, and January 1st marks the beginning of a new year. It is based on the solar year and has historical ties to the Roman calendar.
Chinese New Year (Lunar Calendar):
When: Date varies (usually between January 21st and February 20th).
Why: It follows the lunar calendar and is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. The date is determined by the moon's phases, and it is associated with traditions, celebrations, and the Chinese zodiac.
Islamic New Year (Hijri Calendar):
When: Date varies (based on the lunar calendar).
Why: The Islamic New Year marks the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina. It is calculated based on the lunar calendar and holds significance in Islamic history.
Hindu New Year (Various Regional Calendars):
When: Dates vary across different regional calendars (e.g., Vikram Samvat, Shalivahana Shaka).
Why: Hindu New Year celebrations are tied to different regional calendars, each with its own historical or mythological significance. For example, Vikram Samvat marks King Vikramaditya's victory over the Sakas.
Topic 2: Political Influences in Calendar
“Captain’s log,” says whoever is captaining the Enterprise. “Stardate…” Star Trek’s stardates are based on a calendar meant to be used around the galaxy. Consider the different calendars and related listed below, then discuss with your team: does it make sense to restart the calendar periodically, perhaps when a new leader takes over? Or would such changes risk angering people—as when the English allegedly rioted over the loss of eleven days as part of a calendar transition in 1752?
Julian | Gregorian | Islamic | Japanese | Korean
Rumi | Hindu | Nepali | Mayan | Solar | Lunar
English Calendar Riot (1752):
In 1752, the English allegedly rioted over the loss of eleven days during the transition from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar, introduced to correct inaccuracies in the Julian calendar, omitted several days to realign with astronomical events. The rioters, unaware of the correction, protested the perceived loss of time.
Noah’s Archeology
Topic 1: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
For a long time, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was also the Tomb of the Misplaced King: after Richard III fell in battle in 1485, it took centuries to locate his corpse. In 2012, a team of archaeologists finally unearthed it under a parking lot. Forensic analysis revealed details that had been lost to history, including a severely twisted spine—a condition we now call scoliosis—that he couldn’t have possibly hidden from those around him. In 2022, researchers unearthed an ancient Buddhist temple in Pakistan, and, a few years before that, possibly the fastest human in history. Discuss with your team: do these smaller details about the past affect how we see the world today? If we had discovered from Richard III's DNA that he was a woman in disguise, would that change our view of him or of his role in history?
The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier/ The Tomb of the Misplaced King:
The remains of Richard III, the last English king killed in battle and last king of the House of York, were discovered within the site of the former Grey Friars Priory in Leicester, England, in September 2012. Following extensive anthropological and genetic testing, the remains were reinterred at Leicester Cathedral on 26 March 2015.
Richard III (1485):

Richard III, the last Plantagenet king of England, fell in battle in 1485 during the War of the Roses. His defeat at the Battle of Bosworth marked the end of the medieval period and the beginning of the Tudor dynasty under Henry VII.
Topic 2: Shakespeare’s Richard III
The above questions are more than academic; they force us to reevaluate choices made in the present. In 2024, the Globe Theatre in London staged a new production of Shakespeare’s Richard III, casting a woman with an untwisted spine in the title role. Some people protested that the production needed an actor who shared Richard III’s now-known physical ailment. Discuss with your team: to what extent does an actor need to share lived experiences with the character they are portraying?
Shakespeare’s Richard III:

Shakespeare's "Richard III" is a historical play dramatizing the rise and fall of Richard III, depicting his ruthless ambition to secure the English throne. The play explores themes of power, manipulation, and the consequences of unchecked ambition, portraying Richard as a complex and compelling villain.
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