WSC世界学者杯2023模拟练习题|The World Scholar's Cup
The World Scholar's Cup
WSC知识竞答环节的题型是单选题,但是允许多选。只要你选择的答案中包括正确答案,你就可以获得部分分值。下面是WSC世界学者杯2023耶鲁冠军轮主题「重塑过去 Reconstructing the Past」的模拟练习题,涵盖六大学科,共120道题,备赛新一轮WSC赛事的同学可以拿来练练手,这份模拟题的难度系数不低,但通过练习,同学们可以找到自己的知识盲区,在备赛的最后阶段有针对性地进行加强复习。祝各位选手都能成功晋级全球轮然后冲击冠军轮!
Mock Challenge (Toc Edition)
You will have 75 minutes to complete 120 questions.
When you do this test, you can choose multiple options.
Choosing 1 Answer right: 1.00 Points
Choosing 2 Answers right: 0.50 Points
Choosing 3 Answers right: 0.33 Points
Choosing 4 Answers right: 0.25 Points
Choosing All 5 Answers: 0.2 Points
During this period, you will NOT be allowed to use external resources, whether it be a study quide,notes,or talking to friends.
1. If you were to visit the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World you would travel to:
a. Oregon
b. Vermont
c. Connecticut
d. Wisconsin
e. New York
2. A Soviet Russian living during the time of the American National Exhibition would MOST likely be newly introduced to which of the following?
a. Coca-Cola
b. Harley-Davidson
c. Betty Crocker
d. Lair & Company
e. Pepsi
3. Which of the following is NOT a stat in the new Oregon Trail game?
a. Hygiene
b. Morale
c. Resourcefulness
d. Wayfinding
e. Composure
4. If you attended the first Renaissance Pleasure Faire you would be encouraged to donate to which of the following?
a. A cancer research project
b. A radio station
c. An educational website
d. A low-income school
e. Nothing, it wasn’t a fundraiser
5. Besides previously being a large slave-trading depot, Elmina is also:
a. A fishing village
b. A agricultural village
c. A large industrial area
d. A craftsmen-oriented village
e. A specialized whaling village
6. Which of the following actors shared apples with Shirley Temple?
a. Walter Huston
b. Frank McGlynn Sr.
c. Raymond Massey
d. Jason Robards
e. Billy Campbell
7. Using cloning, you would be most successful in resurrecting which of the following?
a. Steppe bison
b. Little bush moa
c. Tarpan
d. Dodo
e. Passenger pigeon
8. The closest living relative to the moa is which of these bird families?
a. Grebes
b. Cranes
c. Storks
d. Tinamous
e. Anhingas
9. If you went to the Crystal Palace you would most likely see dinosaur sculptures by which of the following people?
a. Charles R. Knight
b. Ely Kish
c. Othniel C Marsh
d. Edward Cope
e. Benjamin Hawkins
10. If you went 80 kilometres northwest of Cuzco you would find:
a. Petra
b. Machu Picchu
c. The Lucy fossil
d. Sutton Hoo
e. Borobudur
11. Talking to the person who selected the items for the Polish time capsule would mean talking to a(n):
a. Astrophysicist
b. Chronobiologist
c. Permafrost specialist
d. Herpetologist
e. Avian specialist
12. Upon opening the century safe you would find that the President at that time was:
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. Ulysses S. Grant
c. John F. Kennedy
d. Harry S. Truman
e. Herbert Hoover
13. In Venezuela, El Libertador would refer to:
a. Simon Bolivar
b. Hugo Chávez
c. Juan Guaido
d. Nicolás Maduro
e. Wilmar Soteldo
14. Which of the following is not a photo of Putin meant to win over followers?
a. Putin flying a fighter jet
b. Putin in a race car
c. Putin riding a horse
d. Putin in judo training
e. Putin in a flock of rare geese
15. Whose rendition of Judith slaying Holofernes is described with a “naturalistic virility”?
a. Caravaggio’s
b. Artemisia Gentileschi’s
c. Gustav Klimt’s
d. Pedro Americo’s
e. Kehinde Wiley’s
16. Which of these techniques was used by Emmanuel Gottlieb Leutze in order to create his selected work?
a. Study a plethora of historical texts
b. Visit museums and study the artifacts
c. Visit the site and talk to locals
d. Hire American tourists and students to act as models
e. Recall of the actual event
17. If you wanted to title a book in a very similar fashion to Angela Gallop’s first book, it would MOST likely be titled:
a. Why Donkeys Scream
b. The Mystery of the Missing Sock
c. When the Cats Don’t Meow
d. Facing the Truth
e. A Dollop of Fear and an Ounce of Regret
18. Angela Gallop fearing some people may learn the wrong things from her books is most similar to which of these types of CSI effect?
a. The Police Chief’s Version
b. The Strong Prosecutor’s Effect
c. The Weak Prosecutor’s Effect
d. The Defendant’s Effect
e. The Educator’s Effect
19. The outfit Lady Gaga wore to the MuchMusic Video Awards can be BEST described as:
a. Macabre
b. Revealing
c. Furry
d. Fiery
e. Geometric
20. The release of Songs for the End of Time Vol. 1 coincides with which anniversary of the premier of Quartet for the End of Time?
a. 100th
b. 120th
c. 75th
d. 80th
e. 99th
21. The song Yesterday was composed in a:
a. Dream
b. Coffee shop
c. Hotel room
d. Dressing room
e. Bus
22. If you wanted to speak to the first person to ever hear Sunrise Sunset (besides the creators)
you would speak to:
a. The lyricist’s wife
b. The composer’s wife
c. The composer’s sister
d. The lyricist’s cousin
e. The casting director of the musical
23. The best person to teach you how to play the aulos would be:
a. Wilfrid Perrett
b. Robin Howell
c. Tosca Lynch
d. Armand D’Angour
e. Barnaby Brown
24. If you wanted to follow in the footsteps of Babatunde Akinboboye you would most likely:
a. Sing a rap song over a classical piece
b. Make a clothing line to spread the popularity of classical music
c. Write your own pieces in a classical style
d. Play the piano from a young age
e. Do modern covers of classical music
25. The narrator of The Brazilian Telephone would MOST benefit from a gift of:
a. Peaches
b. String
c. Salt
d. Money
e. Time
26. The name of the sacred river in Kubla Khan is:
a. Tuul
b. Kharaa
c. Eg
d. Kherlen
e. Alph
27. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding Abraham Lincoln?
a. He had one reporter he shared everything with
b. He was the first to be discreetly credited as a “reliable source”
c. He never spoke to journalists
d. He was the first President to be interviewed
e. He was never directly quoted by reporters
28. What caused James Hicky to end up in debtor’s prison?
a. A fire
b. An illegitimate child
c. A storm
d. An earthquake
e. Procrastination
29. Where is the Maltravieso cave?
a. Estremadura
b. Barcelona
c. Mallorca
d. Ibiza
e. Madrid
30. The discovery of the Lascaux can be attributed to:
a. A dog
b. Hamster
c. Tornado
d. Rockslide
e. Mining explosion
31. While trading in Mesopotamia in the early stages of writing development you would MOST likely come across which of the following?
a. Symbols matching the spoken language
b. Symbols carved on stone
c. Writing in ink on papyrus
d. Clay tokens
e. Rounded stones with holes in the center
32. Recall of a personal encounter with a supernatural being would best fit under the title of:
a. Oral history
b. A Folktale
c. People’s history
d. A myth
e. A memorate
33. The people met by Alexander the Great’s army on their way to Persepolis can be WORST described as:
a. Artistic
b. Elderly
c. Athletic
d. Mutilated
e. Enslaved
34. Which of the following would be the LEAST useful for dating Neanderthal bones?
a. Uranium
b. Thorium
c. Nitrogen
d. Decay products
e. Potassium-40
35. Which of the following was a category in decorative tourist photography albums in Japan?
a. Customs and types
b. People and animals
c. Food and architecture
d. Beautiful objects
e. All of the above
36. The version of Nighthawks created by Banksy features:
a. Famous American stars
b. Aliens
c. Star Wars
d. A threatening chubby man
e. The Simpsons
37. The following are all titles for the same song EXCEPT for which?
a. The Sultan’s Ballad
b. The Arabian riff
c. The Streets of Cairo
d. The Snake Charmer Song
e. The Poor Little Country Maid
38. The Phrygian dominant scale is NOT played where?
a. Flamenco music
b. Balkan
c. Central Asia
d. The Dominican Republic
e. Eastern Europe
39. Ladysmith Black Mambazo was disappointed in their difficulty recording Homeless for which reason?
a. They were afraid to have their payment docked
b.They had contributed greatly to the writing process
c. They usually record many songs in one day
d. They were afraid to let their families down
e.The song’s message was very important to them
40. John Keats’ selected work does NOT include reference to which of the following?
a. Apples
b. Pears
c. Gourds
d. Hazelnuts
e. Corn
41. In The Fault In Our Stars, the character who wants to learn the outcomes of characters is named:
a. Ashley
b. Bella
c. Hazel
d. Aurora
e. Nina
42. Terry Matalas would be MOST helpful at:
a. Producing a popular show
b. Writing a science fiction novel
c. Reconstructing sets by hand
d. Recreating popular music pieces
e. Making realistic dioramas
43. In India, town criers are partially used to shame people who have done what?
a. Not paid their taxes
b. Missed work the previous day
c. Bothered their neighbors
d. Missed an important cultural event
e. All of the above
44. The term Yellow Journalism was inspired off a:
a. TV show
b. A cartoon
c. A newspaper name
d. An early news channel
e. A book on journalism
45. Pixel Amaya developed which of the following games?
a. Braid
b. Cave Story
c. Terraria
d. Super Meat Boy
e. Shovel Knight
46. Which of the following games owes a bit too much to the games which inspired it?
a. Celeste
b. The Messenger
c. Enter the Gungeon
d. Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
e. Undertale
47. If you wanted to talk to the students who discovered the crashed airplane, you would want to speak to students at:
a. Bates College
b. Foyle College
c. Adams State College
d. College of Charleston
e. Algoma University
48. The William Tell Overture is also known as March of The _ Soldiers
a. Greek
b. Beaten
c. Swiss
d. Forgotten
e. Albanian
49. In which of these places can you find a sculpture garden?
a. Poble Espanyol
b. Millennium City Park
c. Tomb of Napoleon
d. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
e. Ulster American Folk Park
50. One who worked as a popinarius would MOST likely:
a. Create light engravings in caves
b. Create wall paintings of food items
c. Look after fields of flowers
d. Own a masonry counter
e. Shatter turtle shells
51. If someone told you they visited an establishment with windows shaped like written characters, they would MOST LIKELY be referring to:
a. Museum of the Future
b. Dreamland Wax Museum
c. La Scala
d. Dublin City Gallery
e. Heritage Park Square
52. Which of the following people would MOST LIKELY be considered a leader of the Harlem Renaissance?
a. Yuval Sharon
b. J. M. W. Turner
c. Samantha Ege
d. Edward Hopper
e. Aaron Douglas
53. The Orient is a term used to describe what part of the world?
a. West Africa
b. South America
c. East Asia
d. Australia
e. Eastern Europe
54. A tarantella is a:
a. Musical phrase
b. Traditional dance
c. Flightless bird
d. Percussive instrument
e. Mediaeval kingdom
55. Which of the following statements is FALSE about West Side Story?
a. A plot-defining feud ends
b. It is set in Manhattan
c. Both protagonists die
d.The story is inspired by one of William Shakespeare’s works
e. The male protagonist is a former member of a gang
56. If you ran a company that provided cinemas with videos of opera performances, you would MOST LIKELY come into competition with:
a. Classic FM
b. Metropolitan Opera
c. Royal Opera House
d. Kaleidoscope of Culture
e. Abramorama
57. Which of the following pairs of writers created selected works based on locations within the same country?
a. A. K. Ramanujan | John Milton
b. Zheng Xiaoqiong | Wu Sheng
c. Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Norman Dubie
d. W. B. Yeats | Robert G. Ingersoll
e. Lee Tzu | Koh Buck Song
58. Which of the following poets would MOST LIKELY be criticized that their selected work was not a poem, but rather a definition?
a. Hilaire Belloc
b. Mong-Lan
c. Giannina Braschi
d. Zheng Xiaoqiong
e. Miriam Greenberg
59. Which of the following works is in the fantasy genre?
a. Ring Cycle
b. The Ugly Little Boy
c. Operation Sherlock
d. Somnium
e. The Lions of Al-Rassan
60. Which of the following poems references a major aspect of dendrochronology?
a. “Writing a Poem is All I Can Do for You”
b. “To Autumn”
c. “Elegy”
d. “The Dodo”
e. “Brazilian Telephone”
61. Which of the following people would be MOST to blame for the destruction of the House of Wisdom?
a. Caliph Omar
b. Hypatia
c. Genghis Khan
d. Ogedei Khan
e. Hulagu Khan
62. Which nation would you MOST LIKELY have heard the slogan “let’s take back control”?
a. United States
b. Russia
c. United Kingdom
d. China
e. Italy
63. A foundation box is most similar to a(n):
a. Time capsule
b. Military base
c. Floorplan
d. Library
e. Easter egg
64. What franchise is currently MOST depicted in Tomorrowland?
a. Star Wars
b. Star Trek
c. Harry Potter
d. Battlestar Galactica
e. Doctor Who
65. If someone asked you why larger video game developers create a less in-depth and less accurate depiction of history in their games, you could BEST respond with:
a. “Smaller developers spend more time on their games”
b. “Larger developers are less likely to take risks when including historical information in their games”
c. “Well, it’s not that they provide a less accurate depiction, rather it is more impressive when an indie developer provides a sufficiently accurate one”
d. “Larger developers do less research when making their games”
e. “They actually provide a more accurate depiction than smaller developers, it’s just that they are more scrutinized by the public”
66. Unity is a software that has been used to:
a. Render archaeological artifacts in different lighting angles
b. Develop advanced artificial intelligence
c. Simulate Earth’s tectonic history
d. Create 3d models
e. Simulate effects of diseases
67. Which of the following people or studios developed the Age of Empires game series?
a. Ubisoft
b. Sucker Punch Productions
c. Ensemble Studios
d. Sid Meier
e. Ozark Softscape
68. What is the real-world sport directly deriving from the one found in the Harry Potter series known as?
a. Quidditch
b. Quaffleball
c. Quadball
d. Potter Handball
e. Hoop Handball
69. If someone told you they were about to use their linstock, what would they MOST LIKELY also own?
a. Wheelbarrow
b. Cannon
c. Camera
d. Printing Press
e. Dolia
70. An abjad is a writing system that uses one character for every:
a. Vowel
b. Syllable
c. Consonant
d. Word
e. Consonant and vowel
71. In what country can the island labelled as “cod country” be found?
a. United States
b. Greece
c. United Kingdom
d. Canada
e. Denmark
72. What structure was the pot in China that was analyzed by Yitzchak Jaffe found under?
a. Medicine Home
b. Cemetery
c. Open market
d. Farm
e. Monument
73. Belz is located in modern-day:
a. Romania
b. Moldova
c. Turkiye
d. Georgia
e. Croatia
74. The Disney Animation "Meet the Robinsons" has a notable parody of which attraction?
a. Museum of the future
b. World of Tomorrow
c. Frontierland
d. Tomorrowland
e. American National Exhibition
75. The official Motto for the World Of Tomorrow is…
a. Building the World of Tomorrow
b. Living in the World of Tomorrow
c. Creating the World of Tomorrow
d. Pioneering the World of Tomorrow
e. Releasing the World of Tomorrow
76. The Great Emu War never ended, yet the Emu crisis did due to…
a. Emu Relocation
b. Better Fences
c. The Great Emu Massacre
d. GMO crops
e. Reduction of Farm Market
77. A Farb can most likely be best described as…
a. Confused
b. Hard-working
c. Careless
d. Tired
e. Persistent
78. The Autochrome process used which following Colour Scheme?
a. RBY
c. B&W
d. K
e. RBG
79. If you asked Jordan Lloyd about his opinion on colourizing black and white photos, what would his response MOST likely be?
a. “There’s no point to it!”
b. “AI is beginning to do it better”
c. “It is a hobby that people should know more about”
d. “It should try its best to tell stories”
e. “More funding needs to be allocated to it”
80. A Phenotype to a Genotype is best related like…
a. Cake instructions to a cake
b. A Computer to a mouse
c. An airplane to a car
d. mRNA to DNA
e. A water bottle to water
81. Using the Gatliff Depth Method on a dead person would do what?
a. Create an accurate AI chatbot of them
b. Recreate their facial features
c. See the cause of their death
d. Deduce locations they have been to through isotopes
e. Reanimate their bones
82. If I decided to build a house on top of another buried house, I would best be mimicking which given location?
a. The Crystal palace
b. Machu Picchu
c. Typical structures on the Isle of Innisfree
d. Average Pompeii Thermopoliums
e. The Barikot temple in Pakistan
83. Naming a child the same way Donald Johanson would name his discoveries would mean…
a. Using the title of a song playing
b. Spinning a random name generator
c. Naming them with your name
d. Describing their features
e. Using the location's name
84. The definition of a time capsule revolves around being stowed for at least…
a. 5 years
b. 10 years
c. 25 years
d. 100 years
e. None of the above
85. Putting a time capsule in a similar place to where the Westinghouse Capsule is would mean…
a. Stowing it in polar conditions
b. Chucking it down a well
c. Hiding it under a statue
d. Keeping it in the hands of a town mayor
e. Putting the records in an online directory
86. Kemalist Nostalgia is surprisingly the opposite of a nostalgia, instead yearning for a situation which commonly clashes with the idea of a return to which ancient powerhouse?
a. Ottoman Empire
b. Roman Empire
c. Qing Dynasty
d. Incan Empire
87. The Great Patriotic War is the Russian coined name for what?
a. The Cold War
b. WWI
c. The First Balkan War
d. The Second Balkan War
88. An Anti-war movement would most likely agree with the beliefs conveyed by…
a. Judith Slaying Holofernes
b. Washington crossing the Delaware
c. Death of Marat
d. Guernica
e. Charlotte Corday
89. A good guess for what "Keiskamma" means based on the image's background is what?
a. Famine
b. Shooting
c. Disease
d. Terrorist
e. Fire
90. The variation of the CSI effect shown in the scene in Star Trek: Picard when using the illegal Romulan Forensic Method is due to which effect?
a. The Strong Prosecutor's
b. The Police Chief's Version
c. The Weak Prosecutor's
d. The Defendant's
e. The Educator's
91. What is most likely true if a truthful person is interrogated about their alibi?
a. They will get upset pretty quickly
b. They will not tell their story
c. They will not change their story
d. They won't have evidence to back the story up
e. They will crack under pressure
92. What two cultures are combined in Orpheus
a. Chinese and Japanese
b. Columbian and French
c. Roman and Persian
d. Indigenous Australian and Malaysian
e. Greek and Indian
93. Classic FM would likely be good at making which following form of media?
a. News Broadcasts
b. Instagram stories
c. Youtube Advertising
d. Movies
e. Tiktoks
94. The first lyric sung in the song "Yesterday" is in what key?
a. B
b. C
c. D
d. E
e. F
95. Embe Dodo is an arrangement/remix of this popular song, namely…
a. Jambo Bwana
b. Janbo Bawnma
c. Jamgo Bawna
d. Memories
e. Memorites
96. Alter 3 would most likely have issues conducting pieces because of their…
a. Lack of music perception
b. Lack of feeling
c. Property of error
d. Property of music notation lack
e. Lack of compassion
97. All pieces in the Trikala album share the attribute of what?
a. Being in an unorthodox melody
b. Being adapted from other famous songs
c. Having songs from Chinese Heritage
d. Hosting aspects of biculturality
e. Being played with household items
98. The only poem in this section with a rhyme pattern of ABAB is…
a. A dog has died
b. The Dodo
c. Brazilian Telephone
d. Dodo
e. The Czar's Last Christmas Letter
99. If someone were to have the same fear as Guy Gavriel Kay about releasing too many books in a series, they would be afraid of:
a. Copying other people
b. Writing too much
c. Copying oneself
d. Becoming too optimistic
e. A series which one can't let go of
100. Given one of his accomplishments, Andrew Otis would MOST LIKELY be good at:
a. Puzzles
b. Scrabble
c. Math Problems
d. Travelling
e. Finding partners
101. Originating in America, interviewing only left it because of ____'s meeting with the president of France at the time.
a. James Gordon
b. Aaron Delehanty
c. Guy Gavriel Kay
d. Hames Creelman
e. Ronald Reagan
102. Which of the following is a reason why the Lascaux IV cave was preserved for so long?
a. The humid conditions help ink stick well
b. The common visits to the cave kept it in good condition
c. The whole area was covered in preservation salts
d. The paintings were carved deeply in the rocks
e. The cool temperature of the cave kept it preserved
103. Mother Earth, the mono-ha art, is best described as…
a. A protruding metal box
b. A sculpture of the Earth
c. A crinkled up map
d. A dirt cylinder and a hole
e. Multiple little sand houses
104. The one major key to unlocking the meaning of cuneiform was named…
a. The Epic of Gilgamesh
b. The Babylonian Tales
c. The Behistun Inscriptions
d. The Persian law system
e. The Furtwängler description
105. Thucydides is to Herodotus like…
a. Funny is to Serious
b. Accurate is to Creative
c. Dead is to Alive
d. Mythical is to Real
e. Loud is to Quiet
106. Oracle bones are a difficult record system to use because of what?
a. Not many exist today
b. The inscriptions are in Ancient Chinese
c. The meaning of them are highly subjective
d. The engravings degraded over time
e. They were not intended as artifacts, instead meant to be thrown out
107. Which given element has a perfect half-life for measuring the timeline of many more-modern hominids?
a. Deuterium
b. Carbon-14
c. Thorium
d. Potassium-40
e. Phosphate
108. The given art piece is an early version of what is now Google Street View.
a. Pre-1906 San Francisco
b. Ottoman Panorama
c. Nighthawks
d. Boulevard of Broken Dreams
e. Sunset Boulevard
109. Which of the following is false about Kintsugi?
a. It originates and is pioneered in Japan
b. People would intentionally destroy art to use it
c. The best theory of origin was a dissatisfaction with stapling
d. The process begins with setting pottery shards to burn
e. It relates to the Japanese idea of Wabi-sabi
110. Which of the two following motifs are related in the way they are usually celebrated?
a. Tarantella Napoletana and Jarabe Tapatio
b. Andalusian Cadence and Hijaz scale
c. Oriental Riff and Yodeling
d. Arabian Riff and Andalusian Cadence
e. Yodeling and Jarabe Tapatio
111. The exhibit "Into Bondage" was initially showcased and had 4 paintings from Aaron Douglas, yet only 2 exist today, including "Into Bondage" itself and what else?
a. Out of Bondage
b. The Harlem Revolution
c. Aspiration
d. Inspiration
e. The New World
112. The once-seeds growing into trees in the poem "Iron Bird" are most likely alluded to…
a. Small memories growing more significant
b. Time measured by trees
c. Time going quicker as life goes by
d. The value of patience and fortune
e. The pain of nostalgia blooming over time in a seed
113. The main reason George Lucas doesn't desire the first iteration of Star Wars to be released again is because…
a. He believes in erasing old works
b. He wants to complete his film the way he imagined
c. He feels that releasing the original will spark Piracy
d. He believes that it will cause him humiliation
e. He's proving a point to a person he argued with
114. In the more recent recreation of the Enterprise from Star Trek, which of the following was far easier to recreate than before due to technological advance?
a. The LCARS panels
b. The bridge
c. The chairs
d. The lighting arrangement
e. The carpet
115. Yellow journalism is best related to which given modern term?
a. Advertisement
b. Scams
c. Malware
d. Cyberbullying
e. Clickbait
116. Which of the following is the best description of Doug Allen's Cardinal Rule?
a. Do not change an ecosystem's weather conditions
b. Don't touch wildlife
c. Avoid interfering with natural events
d. Do not disorient any creatures in the wild
e. Any encounter and its result is purely subjective
117. The release of this console affirmed the fact that nostalgia is still a giant power.
a. Sega Genesis
b. Nintendo SNES
c. Playstation 2
d. Nintendo NES mini
e. Gameboy Colour
118. What is the average range of ages of gamers?
a. 5-7
b. 15-17
c. 25-27
d. 35-37
e. 45-47
119. Which of the following ancient libraries is the only one whose contents has survived to modern times?
a. The library of Ashurbanipal
b. The library of Pergamum
c. The Villa of the Papyri
d. The Libraries of Trajan's Forum
e. The Library of Celsus
120. The interesting observation about music in Ancient Egypt is that supposedly, no sheet music nor scores of these pieces exists. Instead, what takes its place are…
a. Music conductors
b. Improvisation skills
c. Poems and Literature
d. Sand Patterns
e. Quipu-like ropes
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报名开始|UCLA辩论邀请赛「2023 UCLA Speech & Debate Invitational」
正在报名|哈佛国际辩论锦标赛「Harvard Debate Council Intl Tournaments Dec 2023」
Resolved: The United States federal government should forgive all federal student loan debt.


冠军访谈|塔夫茨&哈佛国际辩论赛/哈佛 Junior Extemp 双料冠军周子心
蝴蝶效应——从普通公立校辩论小白到哈佛Harvard Junior WSD冠军
成长的快乐:Harvard Junior JED冠军、西雅图大学锦标赛季军的成长之路
赛报:哈佛国际辩论秋季赛冠军「Harvard Debate Council International Tournaments」
赛报:全美议会辩论联盟秋季赛优秀辩手 Top3|NPDL Fall Invitational 2023
赛报:31届耶鲁邀请赛VPF八强|31st Yale Invitational Tournament Int’l Quarter
赛报:亚洲青少年辩论锦标赛季军|Asia Junior Championship Summer 2023
赛报:WSC厦门全球轮总分冠军|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup 厦门全球轮 晋级耶鲁冠军轮
赛报:印度-太平洋世界学校辩论锦标赛季军|Indo-Pacific WSDC 2023
赛报:亚洲学校辩论公开赛打入决赛|BP赛事「Asia Schools Open 2023」
赛报:亚洲青少年世界学校辩论锦标赛亚军|Junior WSDC 2023
赛报:亚太青少年/亚太辩论锦标赛季军、八强|Asia Pacific Junior Debating Championships
赛报:平均年龄最小的WSC辩论冠军|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup
赛报:包揽3个组别冠军|Seattle University PF Debate Tournament
赛报:“收割式”获奖WSC合肥赛|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup
赛报:刷新哈佛锦标赛16强最小年龄记录|49th Harvard、37th Stanford、Tufts Harvard
赛报:塔夫茨&哈佛国际辩论锦标赛冠军|Tufts Harvard Debate Intl Tournaments
赛报:哥伦比亚大学邀请赛JV PF组八强+优辩|2023 Columbia University Invitational
赛报:哈佛PF冠军赛公开组辩手TOP 1|Harvard Debate PF Championships
赛报:哈佛 Junior WSD 冠军|Harvard Asian Junior Debate Tournament
赛报|伦敦政治经济学院BP锦标赛 LSE Debate Juniors:季军,优秀辩手第6名、第7名
赛报:哈佛 Junior Extemp 冠军|Harvard Asian Junior Debate Tournament
赛报|乔治城大学秋季赛:Novice LD组冠军,HS Junior Varsity LD组第三!