2024 世界学者杯 WSC(World Scholar's Cup:Reimagining The Present)-Art & Music 艺术和音乐 资料详解
2024 世界学者杯 WSC(World Scholar's Cup:Reimagining the Present)即将到来,为了帮助同学们更好地备战赛事,拓展知识,开阔视野,SD团队将提供优质的资料详解。
本资料是我们的专业团队老师,详细解读2024 世界学者杯 WSC(World Scholar's Cup: Reimagining The Present) 大纲制作而成,并且精简了信息,还筛选了最贴切的图片,来帮助同学们精准快速地把握信息,同时也增加了,可读性,趣味性。

Table of Contents
The Stuff that Dreams Are Remade Of
Topic 1: Materials for Art
Topic 2: To Define Art
Topic 3: Duplicates
Topic 4: Replicas or Innovations?
Topic 5: VR Visits
Topic 6: AI Integration
Topic 7: Reinterpretation of Arts
Topic 8: A Girl with Glowing Earrings
Topic 9: Painting of Napoleon
Topic 10: Washington Crossing the Delaware
Topic 11: Lost Castles
Topic 12: Are Rebuilt Castles Still Cultural Heritage?
Topic 13: What Can We Do With Castles?
Topic 14: Old Infrastructure in New Use
Reimagine, if You Will
Topic 1: So Many Nighthawks!
Topic 2: Pimenov, What Would You Do?
Topic 3: New Condorito?
Topic 4: Metropolis: Leave Me Alone?
Topic 5: The Real Value of Fountain
Topic 6: Time Travel
Topic 7: Tribal Stuff
Topic 8: Ancient Animals in Modern Museums
Topic 9: Festivals
Topic 10: Which Holiday Is Official?
Topic 11: Wax Museum
Topic 12: Talking to The Dead
Here We Went Again
Topic 1: Riffs and Motifs
Topic 2: Modern Historical Figures?
Topic 3: Nostalgia or Criticism?
Topic 4: Music and Nationalism
Topic 5: Zilizopendwa
Topic 6: Pre-radio Era
Topic 7: Constitutional Originalists
Topic 8: Boundary of Adaption
Topic 9: Adapted, But By The Original Author
The Stuff that Dreams Are Remade Of
Topic 1: Materials for Art
Artists sometimes rethink what materials can even be used to make art. Consider the butter sculptures of Caroline Brooks, or the cassette tape sculptures of Erika Iris Simmons, in which the artist crafted portraits of famous musicians out of their own recordings. Discuss with your team: should more portraits be made of materials related to their subjects? Do works such as Dominique Blain’s Missa—an assemblage of one hundred army boots—force us to reconsider old topics in new ways, or do they rely too much on novelty instead of skill?
The butter sculptures of Caroline Brooks:

Caroline Brooks is known for her intricate sculptures made entirely of butter. Her sculptures often depict various scenes, characters, and objects, showcasing her talent for detail and craftsmanship. Using butter as her medium, Brooks creates temporary works of art that captivate audiences with their realism and unique material choice. Her sculptures have been exhibited in galleries and events around the world, drawing attention for their creativity and skillful execution.
Topic 2: To Define Art
A scholar from New Zealand once revealed that her artistic talent also involved an unusual medium: she painted on pizza dough—with tomato sauce. (This approach works less well on existing paintings.) If she had been born 40,000 years ago—and to an egalitarian society with access to foreign fruits—she might have painted on cave walls instead. While tomato-based pigment wouldn’t have survived to the modern era, some ancient cave art has. Consider recent efforts to reconstruct the earliest cave art, including this 35,000 year-old illustration of a babirusa deep in the Maros-Pangkep caves of Indonesia. Then, discuss with your team: were these early cave dwellers artists? Is there a difference between painting and documentation—or between drawing and doodling? Are Charles Darwin’s surviving sketches of finches in the Galapagos fit to be called works of art?
Cave art: 35,000 year-old illustration of a babirusa deep in the Maros-Pangkep caves of Indonesia:
This ancient illustration, dating back approximately 35,000 years, is one of the earliest known examples of cave art discovered in the Maros-Pangkep caves of Indonesia. It depicts a babirusa, a type of wild pig native to the region, rendered in striking detail using natural pigments. This artwork provides valuable insights into the artistic capabilities and cultural practices of early humans, offering a glimpse into their relationship with the natural world and their symbolic representations of animals.
Charles Darwin’s surviving sketches of finches in the Galapagos:

Charles Darwin, renowned for his theory of evolution, made several important scientific discoveries during his voyage to the Galapagos Islands. Among these were his sketches of finches, documenting the variations in beak shapes and sizes among different species. These sketches served as crucial evidence for Darwin's later formulation of the theory of natural selection. Through meticulous observation and illustration, Darwin laid the groundwork for our understanding of how species adapt to their environments over time, revolutionizing the field of biology and shaping our understanding of the natural world.
Topic 3: Duplicates
If it were a Starbucks, they’d just build another one across the street. It’s harder to know what to do when a historical site is overcrowded. Some governments impose quotas, as Peru did in 2019 on visitors to the Incan city of Machu Picchu. Facing a similar situation when tourists swamped its Lascaux Caves to see the art on their walls, France—built another one across the street. Is it misleading to present such recreations to tourists as worthwhile destinations? Does it matter whether the duplicates were made by human hands or a 3D printer, or how far they are from the original?
The Incan city of Machu Picchu:

Machu Picchu is a renowned archaeological site located in the Andes Mountains of Peru. Built by the Inca Empire in the 15th century, it served as a royal estate or sacred religious site for Incan leaders. Machu Picchu is renowned for its sophisticated dry-stone construction, intricate terraces, and stunning panoramic views. It was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 and is one of the most iconic and visited tourist destinations in the world, attracting millions of visitors annually.
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