2024 世界学者杯 WSC(World Scholar's Cup:Reimagining The Present)-Literature & Media 文学和传媒 资料详解
2024 世界学者杯 WSC(World Scholar's Cup:Reimagining the Present)即将到来,为了帮助同学们更好地备战赛事,拓展知识,开阔视野,SD团队将提供优质的资料详解。
本资料是我们的专业团队老师,详细解读2024 世界学者杯 WSC(World Scholar's Cup: Reimagining The Present) 大纲制作而成,并且精简了信息,还筛选了最贴切的图片,来帮助同学们精准快速地把握信息,同时也增加了,可读性,趣味性。

Hindsight Needs Corrective Lenses
Topic 1: Early Forms of Writing
Topic 2: Actors? Real Historical Figures?
Topic 3: Color-conscious Casting
Topic 4: Voice Mimicry
Topic 5: Political Genuineness
Topic 6: Gandhi
Topic 7: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Topic 8: Flashbacks
Topic 9: Authentic Color of The Past
Topic 10: Are Augmented Photos Real?
Topic 11: AI Photo Enhancement
Topic 12: AI in News Production
Topic 13: The Electrician
Topic 14: Permissions From the Past
Topic 15: Vicissitude
Topic 16: kintsugi
Topic 17: To Hide the Imperfections
Topic 18: Ephemeral
Form Follows Fiction
Topic 1: Fantasy Is Reality
Topic 2: Boundary of Copyrights
Topic 3: loT Devices
Old History in New Bottles
Topic 1: Adoption
Topic 2: Instrumentalization
Topic 3: Censorship
Topic 4: Shortcutting History
Topic 5: For All Mankind
Topic 6: Historical Fiction
Topic 7: Retelling
Topic 8: Lost in Techonosolutionism
Topic 9: Long Live Poems
Hindsight Needs Corrective Lenses
Topic 1: Early Forms of Writing
You can’t read records that don’t exist, just as you can’t listen to music that was never recorded. Learn about the world’s earliest record-keeping, usually credited to the Sumerians or the Egyptians. Compare their early forms of writing—cuneiform and hieroglyphics—then discuss: would there be advantages to living in a world where no one keeps written track of anything? Be sure to investigate the following strategies that early civilizations used to record their histories. What were their limitations, and can we learn from any of them today?
petroglyphs | cuneiform | nsibidi | quipus | Dispilio Tablet
oracle bones | geoglyphs | runestones
Cuneiform vs. Hieroglyphics:

Cuneiform is a wedge-shaped script originating in Mesopotamia, particularly used by the Sumerians. Hieroglyphics, on the other hand, is an ancient Egyptian writing system characterized by pictorial symbols. While cuneiform focuses on wedge-shaped impressions on clay tablets, hieroglyphics involve elaborate drawings on various surfaces.

Petroglyphs are rock carvings, typically found in ancient cultures, depicting symbols, animals, or scenes. These engravings provide insights into prehistoric art, communication, and cultural practices, often discovered in archaeological sites worldwide.
Topic 2: Actors? Real Historical Figures?
The invention of the camera in the 1800s changed how we've pictured history since; now we know what things looked like. Where we once had myth, now we have newspaper clippings. All these images present a challenge for those producing stories set in photographed times: to build realistic sets and to cast actors who look enough like their historical counterparts. Consider the actors who have played individuals such as Princess Diana, Ho Chi Minh, and Abraham Lincoln, then discuss with your team: how important is it that those who play historical figures resemble them physically? Would it have been all right for a short man to play Lincoln in a movie, as long he grew a beard and wore a hat? What if it were in a play instead, or a musical? And, once technology permits, will it be better to reconstruct historical figures with CGI than to try to find human lookalikes?
Princess Diana:

Princess Diana, born Diana Frances Spencer, was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales. Known for her humanitarian work, she became a global icon. Her tragic death in 1997 had a profound impact, sparking widespread mourning and reevaluations of media intrusion into personal lives.
Ho Chi Minh:

Ho Chi Minh was a key figure in the Vietnamese struggle for independence from French colonial rule. He later became the first President of North Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh's leadership played a pivotal role in the Vietnam War, seeking reunification and self-determination.
Topic 3: Color-conscious Casting
The musical Hamilton defied the expectation of what actors in historical dramas should look and sound like by explicitly casting Black actors as America’s legendary founding heroes and then telling their story in hip-hop-inspired numbers. Especially at first, many people celebrated how it gives a marginalized group control of the narrative; history is being reinvented as their story, too. Others have argued that, while it may seem to empower them, the musical forces Black actors to act as their own oppressors—and that it distorts American history into a simple tale of heroes and villains; put another way, we shouldn't hate so much on Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, and maybe we're overthinking what happened in the room. Discuss with your team: does “color-conscious casting” open doors to new stories and social equality, or does it perpetuate disinformation and barriers to progress?
Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr:

These historical figures are central to the American Revolutionary era. Alexander Hamilton was a Founding Father and the first Secretary of the Treasury,
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