WSC世界学者杯|模拟练习题——历史篇2024-The World Scholar’s Cup

祝各位选手都能成功晋级全球轮, 冲击冠军轮!
什么是WSC? /SDcamps

「The World Scholar's Cup(WSC)世界学者杯源于美国,是一项受到耶鲁大学官方支持的全球中学生学术奥林匹克竞赛,自2007年创立以来,已经发展成为全球范围内备受瞩目的学术赛事,每年吸引了来自100多个国家,超40万名学生的参与,参赛者在这一场金牌国际学术盛宴中从更多角度和层面提升学术素养,用轻松的方式讨论严肃的全球议题,找到学习的真正乐趣。」
风靡 70 多个国家 的全球中学生学术活动,耶鲁大学 官方支持并承办冠军轮,助力 世界名校申请
每年 140+ 城市,超 6 万 名学者同台竞技,参与全球排名
围绕 全球主题 的跨学科学术挑战,涵盖科学、社会学、历史、艺术、文学、通识6 大学科
设立各类特色奖项,区域轮超过60% 的高获奖率,鼓励学术探
比赛内容:世界学者杯每年会围绕一个主题 (Theme),通过跨学科、主题性探究式等独特的学习方式,展开对六大学科领域的深度探究与竞技,从而启发青年学者们对不同学科的兴趣,培养团队合作、国际沟通、创新与思辨等核心素养,成就未来学者与领袖。

六个学科:通识(Special Area), 历史(History), 科学(Science&Technology), 艺术(Art&Music), 社会学(Social Studies)和文学(Literature &Media)

2024世界学者杯主题:“Reimagining the Present ”- 重设当下
Scholar's Chanllenge /SDcamps

「下面30道题属于六大竞赛主题中的历史部分,题目围绕2024年WSC世界学者杯的年度主题“Reimagining the Present ”,备赛新一轮WSC赛事的同学可以拿来练练手,以提升对WSC知识挑战环节与团队竞答环节的知识掌握能力。这份模拟题的难度系数不低,但通过练习,同学们可以找到自己的知识盲区,在备赛的最后阶段有针对性地进行加强复习。」
You will have 20 minutes to complete 30 questions. When you do this test, you can choose multiple options. (During this perod, you will NOT be allowed to use external resources, whether it be a study quide,notes,or talking to friends.)
1.Where’s the origin of Cuneiform and who used it?
A Egypt, Egyptian
B Mesopotamia. Egyptian
C Egyptian, Sumerian
D Mesopotamia. Sumerian
2. Which one of them is the characteristic of Cuneiform?
A pictorial symbols
B elaborate drawings
C wedge-shaped
D drawn on various surfaces
3.Which one of them originates from the Ejagham people of Nigeria?
A Petroglyphs
B Nsibidi
C Quipus
D The Dispilio Tablet
4.Which one of them originates from ancient China?
A Oracle bones
B Geoglyphs
C Runestones
D The Dispilio Tablet
5.Princess Diana was a global icon known for her humanitarian work. Which year did she depart the word?
A 1997
B 1995
C 2001
D 1999
6.Which one of the following activities is closely associated with Abraham Lincoln?
A The New Deal
B The Watergate Scandal
C The Gettysburg Speech
D The Declaration of Independence
7.Which country colonized Vietnam before?
A Britain
B Netherlands
C Germany
D France
8.Who was the third President of the United States?
A Abraham Lincoln
B Alexander Hamilton
C Thomas Jefferson
D Aaron Burr
9.Which nick name is most famous for Margaret Thatcher?
A Royal Regent
B Prime Executive
C Crown Custodian
D Iron Lady
10.Which one of the presidents was an athlete before?
A Abraham Lincoln
B Margaret Thatcher
C Imran Khan
D Alexander Hamilton
11.Which of the following is false about Mahatma Gandhi ?
A Mahatma Gandhi was born in South Africa.
B Mahatma Gandhi led India to independence from British rule through nonviolent resistance.
C Mahatma Gandhi served as the Prime Minister of India.
D Mahatma Gandhi advocated for the use of violence to achieve political goals.
12. Who is commonly known as serving as the 32nd President of the United States during crucial periods like the Great Depression and World War II?
A Theodore Roosevelt
B Franklin Delano Roosevelt
C Woodrow Wilson
D Harry S. Truman
13. Which historical period refers to the medieval era marked by societal and cultural decline in Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire?
A Renaissance
B Enlightenment
C Dark Ages
D Industrial Revolution
14. Who is the legendary English outlaw known for "robbing from the rich and giving to the poor," becoming an enduring symbol of resistance?
A King Arthur
B Robin Hood
C William Wallace
D Joan of Arc
15. What concept introduced by British author Grant Morrison in the comic book series "Doom Patrol" refers to a surreal dimension inhabited by bizarre, colorless beings who embody the remnants of forgotten dreams?
A Dreamworld
B Nightmare Realm
C Monochrome Madness
D Dead Dreams of The Monochrome Men
16. What was the global economic crisis in the 1930s characterized by widespread unemployment and economic hardship?
A The Industrial Revolution
B The Roaring Twenties
C The Great Depression
D The Gilded Age
17.Who is the renowned filmmaker known for his contributions to the film industry, particularly for directing "Schindler's List"?
A Martin Scorsese
B Quentin Tarantino
C Steven Spielberg
D Christopher Nolan
18. What techniques are commonly used to make flashbacks distinguishable from the present timeline in filmmaking?
A Changes in color tone
B Transitions
C Narrative framing
D All of the above
19. Who is the visual artist and colorizer known for restoring and colorizing historical photographs, particularly from the Victorian and Edwardian eras?
A Stuart Humphryes
B Steven Spielberg
C Quentin Tarantino
D Martin Scorsese
20. What is upscaling, also known as super-resolution, used for in image processing?
A Enhancing resolution and quality of an image
B Reducing noise in an image
C Categorizing objects within an image
D Removing unwanted artifacts in an image
21. What is the purpose of denoising in image processing?
A Increasing image resolution
B Adding noise to an image
C Reducing unwanted noise or disturbances
D Enhancing color saturation in an image
22. What is backpropagation used for in artificial neural networks?
A Locating objects within an image
B Adjusting network weights based on prediction errors
C Enhancing image quality
D Categorizing pixels in an image
23. Who is the contemporary artist known for using deep learning and AI to create realistic portraits of historical figures?
A Bas Uterwijk
B The rump
C Sébah & Joaillier
D William M. McCarthy
24. Ötzi, also known as the Iceman, lived around which time period?
A 5th century BCE
B 1st century BCE
C 10th century CE
D 33rd century BCE
25. "Sunset Boulevard" is a renowned artwork by which American artist associated with the Pop Art movement?
A Bas Uterwijk
B Ed Ruscha
C Sébah & Joaillier
D William M. McCarthy
26. What does Kintsugi, a Japanese art form, involve?
A Creating panoramic photographs
B Repairing broken pottery with gold lacquer
C Documenting historical figures through AI portraits
D Capturing images of Meiji-Era Japan
27. What does the Ottoman Panorama refer to?
A series of photographs documenting San Francisco before the 1906 earthquake
B Immersive visual experiences capturing the Ottoman Empire's grandeur
C Deep learning and AI used to create realistic portraits of historical figures
D Repairing broken pottery using lacquer mixed with gold
28. Whose photographic documentation offers insights into China during the late Qing Dynasty?
A Sébah & Joaillier
B William M. McCarthy
C Bas Uterwijk
D Ed Ruscha
29. What period does the photographic documentation of Meiji-Era Japan cover?
A Late Qing Dynasty
B Ottoman Empire
C Early 20th century
D Late 19th to early 20th centuries
30. What philosophy underlies the Japanese art form of Kintsugi?
A Embracing imperfections and seeing mended cracks as part of an object's history
B Achieving perfection through flawless repair
C Disregarding imperfections to create uniformity
D Rejecting traditional methods of pottery repair
2024年WSC赛事安排 /SDcamps

2023 WSC世界学者杯中国区域轮、厦门全球轮、耶鲁冠军轮均已在去年结束,2024年新一轮城市赛已经启动。
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-北京 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-大连 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-上海 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-苏州 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-杭州 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-南京 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-厦门 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-佛山 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-重庆 Round
赛报:WSC厦门全球轮总分冠军|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup 厦门全球轮 晋级耶鲁冠军轮
赛报:最小年龄组伦敦晋级WSC耶鲁冠军轮|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup 伦敦全球轮
赛报:平均年龄最小的WSC辩论冠军|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup
赛报:“收割式”获奖WSC合肥赛|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup
赛报:最小年龄组晋级WSC上海赛|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup
WSC世界学者杯/World Scholar’s Cup备赛全攻略
WSC世界学者杯「学者碗」环节入门指南|The World Scholar’s Cup
辩论高手必看:6种赢得WSC世界学者杯辩论的技巧 | The World Scholar’s Cup
高分秘籍:WSC世界学者杯协同创作项目|The World Scholar’s Cup
一文教会你如何准备WSC世界学者杯辩论|The World Scholar’s Cup
WSC世界学者杯「团队辩论」技巧大公开|The World Scholar’s Cup
如何备赛WSC世界学者杯/World Scholar’s Cup?
如何准备WSC世界学者杯/World Scholar’s Cup的辩论?
备赛课程与赛事报名 /SDcamps
2024 世界学者杯 WSC即将到来,为了帮助同学们更好地备战赛事,拓展知识,开阔视野,SD团队根据多年的辅导经验准备了有针对性的资料详解,历史部分主要如下:
Table of Contents
Touring Ends of Eras
Topic 1: Calendar
Topic 2: Political Influences in Calendar
Topic 3: 1990s
Topic 4: Music in the 1990s
Noah’s Archeology
Topic 1: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Topic 2: Shakespeare’s Richard III
Topic 3: Ostia Antika and Pompeii
Topic 4: Re-exploring the History
Topic 5: Renewed Dinosaurs
Topic 6: Archaeology and Paleontology
Topic 7: The Meaning of Looking into the Past
Topic 8: AI and Language
Topic 9: Ancient Libraries
Topic 10: Anachronism, nor Not?
