模拟练习题:社会学篇 | WSC世界学者杯2024-The World Scholar's Cup

本篇为Social Studies模拟练习题
什么是WSC? /SDcamps

「The World Scholar's Cup(WSC)世界学者杯源于美国,是一项受到耶鲁大学官方支持的全球中学生学术奥林匹克竞赛,自2007年创立以来,已经发展成为全球范围内备受瞩目的学术赛事,每年吸引了来自100多个国家,超40万名学生的参与,参赛者在这一场金牌国际学术盛宴中从更多角度和层面提升学术素养,用轻松的方式讨论严肃的全球议题,找到学习的真正乐趣。」
风靡 70 多个国家 的全球中学生学术活动,耶鲁大学 官方支持并承办冠军轮,助力 世界名校申请
每年 140+ 城市,超 6 万 名学者同台竞技,参与全球排名
围绕 全球主题 的跨学科学术挑战,涵盖科学、社会学、历史、艺术、文学、通识6 大学科
设立各类特色奖项,区域轮超过60% 的高获奖率,鼓励学术探索、激发学习热情,让小学者们在思考中了解世界。
比赛内容:世界学者杯每年会围绕一个主题 (Theme),通过跨学科、主题性探究式等独特的学习方式,展开对六大学科领域的深度探究与竞技,从而启发青年学者们对不同学科的兴趣,培养团队合作、国际沟通、创新与思辨等核心素养,成就未来学者与领袖。

六个学科:通识(Special Area),历史(History),科学(Science&Technology),艺术(Art&Music),社会学(Social Studies)和文学(Literature &Media)

2024世界学者杯主题:“Reimagining the Present ”- 重设当下
Scholar's Chanllenge /SDcamps

「下面30道题属于六大竞赛主题中的Social Studies部分,题目围绕2024年WSC世界学者杯的年度主题“Reimagining the Present” - 重设当下,备赛新一轮WSC赛事的同学可以拿来练练手,以提升对WSC知识挑战环节与团队竞答环节的知识掌握能力。这份模拟题的难度系数不低,但通过练习,同学们可以找到自己的知识盲区,在备赛的最后阶段有针对性地进行加强复习。」
You will have 20 minutes to complete 30 questions. When you do this test, you can choose multiple options. (During this perod, you will NOT be allowed to use external resources, whether it be a study quide,notes,or talking to friends.)
1.When was San Francisco’s Chinatown founded?
A Mid-18th century
B Mid-19th century
C Mid-20th century
D Mid-21th century
2.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Tang dynasty outfits?
A loose
B flowing designs
C vibrant colors
D Dark colors
3.Which of the following is NOT Thai food?
A Pad Thai
B Tom Yum soup
C Sweetandsourfillet
D Green Curry
4.Where was President Abraham Lincoln shot?
A Ford’s Theatr
B Chernobyl
C Alcatraz
D Nagasaki
5.What does GroundZero refer to?
A the site of the second atomic bomb dropped by the United States during World War II
B The locaton where President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated
C The site of the first atomic bomb dropped during World WarII
D The site of the 911 terrorist atacks in NewYork City
6.How did 19th century French artists predict the future of the world?
A A series of letters
B A series of postcards
C A series of movies
D A series of opera
7.Which science fiction novel () did the concept of the meta-universe come from?
A Ready player One
C The Wandering Earth
D Interstellar
8.What was the predecessor of the Internet?
9.What was the theme of the 1939 New York World's Fair?
A Building the world of tomorrow
B Ships and the sea
C Man in the space age
D The era of discovery
10.Which country built the Crystal Palace for the World's Fair?
A England
B New York
C Iceland
D India
11.What businesses do Mennonites in Belize often work in?
A farming
B Business
C Tourism
D Industry
12.Which of the following is NOT the famous characteristic of the Amish?
A simpleliving
B plaindress
C Not good at communicating with people
D avoidance of modern technology and
13.What is a black box phone?
A A mobile phone shaped like a black box
B A phone that requires a black box to link to
C smartphone with abundant features and functionality
D non-smartphone with limited features and functonality
14.Which of the following is the author of a painting “black belt”?
A HowardArkley
B ChadWrigh
C Archibald Motley
D Malvina Reynolds
15.What Australian artist Howard Ackerley is known for?
A Abstractionism
B Futurism
C The depiction of suburban landscapes and domestc architecture
D The depiction of cityscapes and neighborhood buildings
16.What period of Mexican society is depicted in"Mexico Today and Tomorrow" ?
A 18th century
B 19th century
C 20th century
D 21th century
17.Which artist does "Comrade Lenin Cleanses Earth of Filth" belong to?
A Viktor Deni
B Diego Rivera
C Leonard Koscianski
D Archibald Motley
18.Which of the following is the author of“Writing a Poem Is All I Can Do for You”
A John Keats
B Dylan Thomas
C Joyce Kilmer
D Wu Sheng
19.Which of the following information about “To Autumn” is false?
A "To Autumn" is a poem by English Romantic poet John Keats.
B The poem celebrates the beauty and abundance of the autumn season
C The poem conveys a sense of gratitude and acceptance for the passage of time.
D The poem offers a poignant meditation on the fragility of life and the enduring power of art and imagination.
20.Which of the following information about “A Song on the End of the World” is false?
A "A Song on the End of the World" is a poem by Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz.
B The poem was written in 1944 during World War II.
C The poem reflects on the limitations of language and the power of poetry to express emotions and convey meaning.
D The poem contemplates the destructive forces of war and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
21.Which of the following information about “A Song on the End of the World” is correct?
A Braschi's writingis imbued with a sense of wonder and reverence for the natural world, offering glimpses into the lives of ordinary people and the mysteries of existence.
B Braschi's writing often reflects her experiences as a Latinx immigrant in the United States, offering insights into cultural displacement and the search for belonging.
C Braschi's writing often explores themes of love, memory, and resilience.
D Braschi's writing often delves into the social and environmental consequences of rapid development, highlighting the struggles of marginalized communities and the complexities of modern life.
22.Which of the following information about "Fat Southern Men in Summer Suits" is false?
A "Fat Southern Men in Summer Suits" is a poem by Canadian poet Anne Carson.
B The Poem portrays a scene of Southern life.
C The Poem captures the image of overweight men dressed in summer suits.
D The Poem was published in 21th century.
23.Which of the following was not the cause of Quibi‘s failure?
A misjudged market demand
B competition from established streaming services
C a lack of compelling content
D environmental violations
24.Which of the following companies faced legal issues related to safety, environmental violations and customer complaints?
A Theranos
B Nikola
C Life at Sea Cruise
D Bitconnect
25.Which of the following information about Cryptocurrencies is false?
A Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies
B Cryptocurrencies use cryptography for security
C Cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks based on blockchain technology.
D Cryptocurrencies can’t enable secure, peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries like banks.
26.Which of the following information about Ponzi Schemes is false?
A Ponzi schemes are fraudulent investment schemes .
B Ponzi schemes rely on a continuous influx of new investors to sustain the illusion of profitability.
C Ponzi promise high returns to investors but generate low legitimate profits.
D Ponzi schemes are named after Charles Ponzi, who famously perpetrated such a scheme in the early 20th century.
27.Which of the following information about Fansubbing is false?
A Fansubbing is the practice of creating official subtitles for foreign-language media.
B Fansubbing can infringe on copyright laws if done without permission from the copyright holders.
C Fansubbing is often done out of passion and a desire to share content with wider audiences.
D Legalizing fansubbing could promote cultural exchange and accessibility but may also undermine the rights of content creators and distributors.
28.Which of the following information about"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is false?
A "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is a poem by English Romantic poet William Wordsworth
B "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" was published in 19th century.
C The poem describes the poet's experience of encountering a field of rose
D The poem reflects on the power of nature to inspire awe and uplift the human spirit.
29.Which of the following about The new flag of Mozambique is false?
A Mozambique changed its national flag in 1983 after gaining independence from Portugal.
B The new flag has a red triangle on the hoist side containing a yellow star.
C The new flag features a horizontal tricolor of green, black, and yellow.
D The flag change reflected Mozambique's aspirations for independence, unity,
and progress.
30.Which of the following about The new flag of South Africa is false?
A South Africa changed its national flag in 1894 .
B The new flag incorporated elements representing unity, diversity, and reconciliation.
C The new flag included colors representing the nation's major racial groups and a Y-shape that symbolizes the convergence of diverse elements into a unified whole.
D The new flag was seen as a symbol of national unity and progress.
2024年WSC赛事安排 /SDcamps

2024 World Scholar’s Cup-北京 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-大连 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-上海 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-苏州 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-杭州 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-南京 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-佛山 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-厦门 Round
2024 World Scholar’s Cup-重庆 Round
渥太华大学春季赛(BP): 4月20-21日
TOC 中学生冠军锦标赛: 5月3日-5日
哈佛国际辩论锦标赛五月赛: 5月11日-12日
西雅图大学锦标赛五月赛: 5月18-19日
加拿大杯(BP): 6月22日-23日
亚太学校辩论锦标赛(AP): 6月22-23日
亚太青少年辩论锦标赛: 6月29-30日
亚洲学校辩论锦标赛(AP): 7月6-7日
亚洲世界学校辩论公开赛: 7月6-7日
亚洲青少年辩论锦标赛: 7月20-21日
澳大利亚学校公开赛: 7月20日-9月1日
亚洲新手辩论公开赛(WSD): 8月3日-5日
亚洲学校辩论公开赛(BP): 8月24日-25日
印度-太平洋世界学校辩论锦标赛(WSD): 8月24日-25日
亚洲学校辩论锦标赛(AP): 8月24日-25日
新西兰辩论公开赛(BP): 9月14-15日
耶鲁大学邀请赛: 9月20日-22日
乔治城大学锦标赛: 10月7日-9日
东北亚辩论锦标赛(BP): 10月26日-27日
布朗大学邀请赛: 11月2日-4日
密歇根大学锦标赛: 11月2日-4日
澳洲/亚洲青少年辩论锦标赛(JWSDC): 11月2日-4日
西雅图大学锦标赛(Parli): 11月16日-17日
UCLA邀请赛: 12月7日-9日
普林斯顿大学精英赛: 12月7日-9日
2024世界学者杯 WSC已经启动,为了帮助同学们更好地备战赛事,拓展知识,开阔视野,SD团队将根据不同主题提供优质的资料详解。(社会学部分如下):
Table of Contents
Call of Duty-Free
Topic 1: Tourism
Topic 2: Place Branding
Topic 3: New Flag For New Zealand
Topic 4: Gastrodiplomacy
Topic 5: You Are What I Think You Are
Topic 6: Culture Is Shackle
Topic 7: We Change Because We Have To
Topic 8: Scarred Past
Nostradamus 0, Nostalgia1
Topic 1: Postcards
Topic 2: Prophesies
Topic 3: Exhibiting Future
Topic 4: Marketing Nostalgia
Topic 5: Say No to Future
Topic 6: Do We Miss The Past?
Topic 7: Nationalism or Art?
Topic 8: Held Back by Memory
Topic 9: Nostalgia Is Debilitating
Topic 10: Attire
Crime and Punishment 3.0
Topic 1: Fraud
Topic 2: Cybercrimes
Topic 3: GPT, You Good?
Topic 4: The Boundary of Law

赛报:WSC厦门全球轮总分冠军|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup 厦门全球轮 晋级耶鲁冠军轮
赛报:最小年龄组伦敦晋级WSC耶鲁冠军轮|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup 伦敦全球轮
赛报:平均年龄最小的WSC辩论冠军|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup
赛报:“收割式”获奖WSC合肥赛|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup
赛报:最小年龄组晋级WSC上海赛|2023世界学者杯World Scholar’s Cup
WSC世界学者杯/World Scholar’s Cup备赛全攻略
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辩论高手必看:6种赢得WSC世界学者杯辩论的技巧 | The World Scholar’s Cup
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一文教会你如何准备WSC世界学者杯辩论|The World Scholar’s Cup
WSC世界学者杯「团队辩论」技巧大公开|The World Scholar’s Cup
如何备赛WSC世界学者杯/World Scholar’s Cup?
如何准备WSC世界学者杯/World Scholar’s Cup的辩论?