THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, everybody. Everybody, please have a seat. I am having so much fun! (Laughter.) It is great to see all of you here for our first White House Science Fair. I have been looking forward to doing this for a long time. One of the great joys of being President is getting to meet young people like all of you -- and some of the folks in the other room who I just had a chance to see some of their exhibits and the work that they were doing. It’s inspiring -- and I never miss a chance to see cool robots when I get a chance. (Laughter.) We are joined by several Nobel laureates(桂冠诗人,得奖者) -– including our Energy Secretary, Dr. Steven Chu. (Applause.) These are obviously the older folks who have helped to expand the frontiers(边疆,尖端科学) of human knowledge. But we’re also joined by a few people who inspire young people to pursue that knowledge. One of them is the one and only Science Guy, Bill Nye, who’s in the house. (Applause.) I’m also pleased to welcome Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage, known as the Mythbusters. (Applause.) I can announce today that I taped a special guest appearance for their show -- although I didn’t get to blow anything up. (Laughter.) I was a little frustrated with that.I also want to welcome and congratulate Subra Suresh, who was sworn in this morning as the Director of the National Science Foundation, and who’s here with his family. Please stand up. (Applause.) We are very grateful to have Subra taking this new task. He has been at MIT and has been leading one of the top engineering programs in the country, and for him now to be able to apply that to the National Science Foundation is just going to be outstanding. So we’re very grateful for your service.But the main reason I’m here is I just want to recognize all the incredibly talented young men and women who’ve traveled here from every corner of this country to demonstrate their experiments and their inventions. And I just had a chance to meet with some of them. And it’s hard to describe just how impressive these young people are. Their work –- from cancer therapies to solar-powered cars, water purification systems(净水器) , robotic wheelchairs -– all of it is a testament to the potential that awaits when we inspire young people to take part in the scientific enterprise: tackling tough problems; testing new hypotheses; to try, and then to fail, and then to try again until they succeed.And it’s hard to single out(挑出,挑选) any of the folks that I -- who I met with, because everybody was so impressive. But just to give you one example: the last young lady that I talked to, between her freshman and sophomore years in high school, taught herself chemistry, and then decided that she wanted to see if she could create a new drug to deal with cancer cells using light activation, and won the international science competition, and is now being contacted by laboratories across the country to see if this might actually have applications in terms of curing cancer.Now, if that doesn’t inspire you -- (laughter) -- if that doesn’t make you feel good about America and the possibilities of our young people when they apply themselves to science and math, I don’t know what will. And so that’s just one example. Now, another example, in Tennessee there was a team that decided -- up in Appalachia, sometimes it’s hard to get purified water. And so they constructed an entire system, self-contained system, powered by -- with a water wheel that would purify water and could potentially be used for an entire community. So a very practical application of the knowledge that they had gained in the classroom.You just saw example after example of that. And it’s incredibly impressive. The importance of tapping this potential is why we’re here. It’s why I wanted to host this fair, which culminates this weekend in a science and engineering festival on the National Mall and across the country where more than a million people are expected to participate. So we welcome championship sports teams to the White House to celebrate their victories. I’ve had the Lakers here. I’ve had the Saints here, the Crimson Tide. I thought we ought to do the same thing for the winners of science fair and robotic contests, and math competitions. (Applause.) Because often we don’t give these victories the attention that they deserve. And when you win first place at a science fair, nobody is rushing the field or dumping Gatorade over your head. (Laughter.) But in many ways, our future depends on what happens in those contests -- what happens when a young person is engaged in conducting an experiment, or writing a piece of software, or solving a hard math problem, or designing a new gadget.It’s in these pursuits that talents are discovered and passions are lit, and the future scientists, engineers, inventors, entrepreneurs are born. That's what’s going to help ensure that we succeed in the next century, that we're leading the world in developing the technologies, businesses and industries of the future.And this is the reason my administration has put such a focus on math and science education -- because despite the importance of inspiring and educating our children in these fields, in recent years the fact is we’ve been outpaced by a lot of our competitors. One assessment shows that American 15-year-olds ranked 21st in science and 25th in math when compared to their peers around the world. Now, obviously the young people who are here all boosted our averages considerably. (Laughter.)
尊敬的各位评委和同事们: 大家好!在学习十六大的日子里,我一直在思索着干部的职责问题。职责一词,简单二字,但是沉重。江泽民主席给我们消防的题词是:隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾,责任重于泰山,讲的也是我们消防部队的集体职责。而在举国上下全面建小康的经济热潮中,我们,作为消防部队的一分子,又该如何更好的贯彻十六大,履行好我们的神圣职责? 记得一年半前,当我们刚穿上这身橄榄绿的时候,一位总队领导教导我们说
奥巴马演讲 关于中产阶级减税和失业保险2
So with that, let me take a couple of questions. Ben Feller. Q Thank you, Mr. President. You’ve been telling the American people all along that you oppose extending the tax cuts for the wealthie
各位领导、各位评委、各位同事: 大家好! 首先我要感谢公司领导和共青团组织给我们提供的这样一个突破自己、展示自己的机会。一直以来我都非常羡慕和佩服那些在台上可以滔滔不绝、妙语连珠、引经据典、神态自如的人们,但我从来没有想过让自己也站在台前。当我听说公司要举办这次演讲活动时,我犹豫过但最终我勇敢的选择,我要突破自己、我要提升自己,给自己一个站在讲台上的机会,来表达出我内心那份对我们企业的热爱。 时间
师者为师亦为范,“学高为师,德高为范。”走上三尺讲台,教书育人;走下三尺讲台,为人师表。教师不仅是社会主义精神文明的建设者和传播者,更是莘莘学子们的道德基因的转接者。教师的素质直接影响着学生的学风和学校的校风,教师的形象直接关系着学生素质的培养。 因此,师德,不是简单的说教,而是一种精神体现,一种深厚的知识内涵和文化品味的体现!师德需要培养,需要教育,更需要的是——每一位教师的自我修养!用自身的榜
1.“照猫画虎” 机关干部提高公文写作水平的方法和途径有多种。但实践证明,勤于和善于学习范文、模仿范文是一条捷径。比如,在学习范文时,可以把自己的完全的带入进去,先想一想这份材料具体的框架和大概写法,分为几个阶段,观点是什么,然后再看看写的好的文章是如何把握文章结构的,照猫画虎,久而久之,便能举一反三,渐入佳境,写出漂亮的文章出来。 2.“以新取胜”
Hi, everybody. Earlier this week, I spent some time with the hardworking men and women of the American auto industry, who are busy writing a new chapter in America’s story. Just a few years ago, their
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