

Rebecca Bellingham: Why we should all be reading aloud to children


15 years ago, I was a teaching artist in the New York City public schools, and one of my projects was adapting and directing a production of "Charlotte's Web" with a group of third graders at PS 220, the Mott Haven Village School in the South Bronx. As a way to begin our work together, I read aloud the first chapter from EB White's famous and beautiful book.

15年前,我是纽约市公立学校的一名教学艺术家,我的一个项目是与南布朗克斯(South Bronx)莫特黑文乡村学校(Mott Haven Village School)PS220小学三年级的一群学生一起改编并导演《夏洛特的网》。为了开始我们的合作,我大声朗读了EB怀特那本著名佳作的第一章。

As some of us may recall, the story begins with Fern learning that her father, Mr Arable, is off to the hoghouse to kill the runt of the litter with his axe. "Please don't kill it," she sobbed, "It's unfair."


Mr Arable stopped walking. "Fern," he said gently, "you will have to learn to control yourself."


Control myself? yelled Fern; "This is a matter of life and death, and you talk about controlling myself?"


Tears ran down her cheeks, and she took hold of the axe and tried to pull it out of her father's hand.


Well, the pig is saved, and later that morning, Fern discovers a carton on her chair at breakfast. As she approached her chair, the carton wobbled, and there was a scratching noise. Fern looked at her father, then she lifted the lid of the carton. There, inside, looking up at her was the newborn pig. It was a white one. The morning light shone through its ears, turning them pink.


He is yours, said Mr Arable, "Saved from an untimely death. And may the good Lord forgive me for this foolishness."


Fern couldn't take her eyes off the tiny pig "Oh!" she whispered, "Oh! Look at him! He is absolutely perfect."


She closed the carton carefully, for she kissed her father, then she kissed her mother, then she opened the lid again, lifted the pig out and held it against her cheek.


Well, when I finished reading the chapter, the kids lined up for lunch, and a little boy named Joey tugged at my sleeve and he said, "Miss B, I felt like I was right there. Like, I could really see that little pig. I never got inside a book before like that."


Well, I was thrilled that Joey was enjoying the story, but, to be perfectly honest, at the time, I was much more concerned with how in the world we were going to make all those farm animal costumes just using pillow cases, and whether the kids would memorize all their lines or not. They did. And we did.


And every time I visited that classroom, the kids couldn't wait for me to read aloud to them again. For all the kids in the audience: would you raise your hand if you really like it when teachers read aloud to you or parents read aloud to you? Or adults? Do you remember being read to? And loving it?


Well, I've been an educator for almost 20 years. And I've read thousands and thousands of pages aloud. And I've never met a group of kids who didn't love it, who were immune to the spell of a great book being read aloud. As a teacher and a mom, I can't think of many things that matter as much as reading aloud to our kids. At all ages. At school and at home.


Because reading aloud gives kids a special kind of access to the transformative power of story, and the experience of what real reading is all about, which is to deeply understand, to think, to learn and discuss big ideas about the world, about the lives of others and about ourselves.


So, when I think back to what Joey said to me all those years ago, "Miss B, I felt like I was right there. Like, I could really see that little pig. I never got inside a book before like that."

因此 ,当我回想起乔伊多年前对我说的话:“B小姐,我觉得我就在那里。我真的能看到那只小猪。我以前从来没有像这样沉浸在一本书中过。”

I'm struck by this idea that reading aloud for Joey made it possible for him to get inside a book; as though before that experience he was outside. Because Joey is not alone in feeling that way. Reading for a lot of kids can feel like a locked building. Without the right key or the right code, or the right experiences, they can't get in. They feel like they're outside.


Because for some kids, dealing with the code, the tangle of letters and sounds, tricky words and vocabulary, is a more difficult process for any number of reasons. The decoding of words takes up so much brain energy, they don't have a lot of brain space left over to actually take in the story or the meaning.


For other kids, the decoding isn't so difficult, but it can sometimes feel like they're just translating words across a page, like how I might do with a medical textbook or a medical journal. I could translate or decode the words, but I wouldn't be able to understand them, or think, or talk about them. How many of us here have found ourselves halfway down a page only to realize, "I have no idea what I just read."


When teachers and parents read aloud, we do the decoding work. We deal with the print and the tricky vocabulary and words, and we free kids to think. So they can use all their brain energy to imagine the story and learn new information. So all children listening have access to the amazing reading party happening inside the building. And we want kids to get in the building and get to the party and stay there.


Even while they're still strengthening their decoding or comprehension or vocabulary muscles in books they can read on their own. Because even when kids are reading on their own, reading aloud to them has a tremendous impact on their independent reading lives. Because when kids go back to their own books, they know that world should come alive in their brains as they read. They know that real readers pause to wonder, think, ask questions. They know that real readers let the stories affect them.


Maybe even change them. Because the way that we stop and react at something that we read aloud gives us an opportunity to model compassion, to wonder aloud in a genuine way about a choice, a character or a community made. When we read aloud, we can help kids walk in the shoes of people who might be radically different from themselves.


Or see reflections of themselves, which might make them feel less alone or more hopeful. What happens when we walk in the shoes of Kek, a young refugee from Sudan who comes to Minnesota after seeing his brother and father killed in a war? What can we learn from Auggie, who was born with a rare facial anomaly? Or Delphine, who is eleven years old and goes to Oakland, California in 1968 to meet her mom for the first time, who is active in the Black Panther Party? Or Annemarie, who helps her best friend escape to Denmark during The Holocaust? We can give kids access to stories, and books, and ideas, and information that they otherwise might not get a chance to explore, or explore as deeply.

或者看清自己,这可能让他们感到不那么孤独或者更加充满希望。当我们站在科克(译者注:《Home of the Brave》主人公)的角度看世界时,会看到什么?科克是一位年轻苏丹难民,他在亲眼看到自己的兄弟和父亲在战争中丧生后来到明尼苏达州;我们能从奥吉(译者注:《Wonder》主人公)身上学到什么?奥吉生来就有一种罕见的面部疾病;或者我们能从戴尔芬(译者注:《One Crazy Summer 》主人公)身上学到什么?戴尔芬于1968年11岁时第一次去加州奥克兰见她的母亲,她的母亲在黑豹党(美国黑人组织)很活跃;或者又能从安妮玛丽(译者注:《Number the Stars》主人公)身上学到什么?安妮玛丽在大屠杀期间帮助她最好的朋友逃到丹麦。我们可以让孩子接触到故事、接触到书籍、接触到思想和信息,否则他们可能没有机会去探索,或者说没有机会进行深入探索。

And finally, reading aloud gives us a chance to look up from our screens, our phones, our computers; to connect with each other through the simple act of reading and talking together. When we read aloud at school we're often gathered together in one place and we're teaching kids how to talk together, how to listen, how to look each other in the eye and say: "What do you think?" To say, "I think differently and here is why".


But we're also creating moments of connectedness and joy in our classrooms, on a daily basis. And at home, it's a chance to carve out a time when we're not on our phones, but we're entirely focused on our kids. Or we pull up alongside them and read and talk together.


Even when they can't sit in our laps anymore. Even and perhaps especially when they rather be on their phones. Even when they're not three or four, but they're eight, ten, twelve, a teenager and they might not be as inclined to share so much with us anymore. Having a book to lean on can help us get inside them.


In her new book, Reclaiming Conversation, Sherry Turkle reminds us how essential face to face conversation is. She says, "We're tempted to think that our little sips of online connection add up to a big gulp of real conversation, but they don't." I believe that reading aloud together provides an opportunity for a big gulp. For a chance to connect and talk together, in consistent meaningful ways. So the kids not only fall in love with books and reading, and get better at it, but they also learn to think deeply, to consider other points of view. They learn to listen and they learn to look up.


Thank you.
