The quickest and broadest tax cut ever
Two important takeaways from the President's Weekly Address this morning. #1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will start having an impact as soon as a few weeks from now, in the form of the
President Bush Discusses North Korea
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. The policy of the United States is a Korean Peninsula free of all nuclear weapons. This morning, we moved a step closer to that goal, when North Korean officials submitted
TED演讲之神童 伊娃·韦尔泰什对医学未来的展望(9)
It's not harmful; it has just repaired the muscle. Muscle is constantly being used -- constantly being damaged. 这种肿瘤是无害的,它只是修复了肌肉的损伤。肌肉不断地被使用-不断地受到损坏。 If every time we tore a muscle or every time we s
奥巴马每周演讲2013-06-29:Confronting the Growing Threat of Climate Change 中英对照演讲稿 奥巴马在例行的周六演说中告诉美国人民,他几天前推出以应对日益严重的气候变化威胁问题的计划。他的计划将减少碳污染,保护我们的国家,免遭气候变化的影响,并引领世界在气候变化灾害中协调一致。 Hi everybody. A few days ago, I
每天读一点英文 之那些激励我前行的英语演讲 14:The Speech About lBM IBM总裁杰斯特尼演讲 Good evening! It is a great honor for me to share this stage with the Lord Mayor, chief executive of Hannover, with Mr. Yang, and in a few min