When I first agreed to do this, I would have thought if my knees were shaking at the podium. It was because I was nervous, not because I was freezing. Chancellor Wilson, President Killeen, faculty, di
奥巴马演讲 美国仍是世界创新商业的基地1
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, hello! Hello, Schenectady! (Applause.) It is good to be in New York. (Applause.) Now let me just begin, if I’m not mistaken, Governor Cuomo -- who is going to be an outstan
But of course we have a way to measure that now on a continuous basis, with a sensor that detects blood glucose, 当然现在我们已经有方法可以连续监控它了,方法是用一个传感器来连续检测血糖浓度, and it's important because we could detect hype
TED Technology, Entertainment, Design在英语中的缩写,美国的一家私有非营利机构,以它组织的TED大会著称;将"用思想的力量来改变世界"作为宗旨。事实上,除了科技、娱乐、设计的主题,这场盛会涉及的领域还在不断扩展,展现着涉及几乎各个领域的各种见解,TED的演讲简短且深刻,参加者们称它为 “超级大脑SPA”。 西蒙·斯涅克用一个简单但是震撼的模型来阐释激励人心的领袖
And that brings me to what I see is a paradox. 这在我看来是一个巨大的悖论 The modern world is an incredible source of innovation 现代世界是一个无可比拟的创新之源 and Stanford stands at the center of that, 斯坦福则位于这一切的中心 creating ne