Message on Nelson Mandela International Day
古特雷斯秘书长在2017年纳尔逊·曼德拉国际日上的致辞。(中英对照) Nelson Mandela continues to inspire the world through his example of courage and compassion, and his commitment to social justice and a culture of freedom and peace.
英语演讲稿-01 What is friendship? It is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. It is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship , no matter what their background , age , *** or p
Almost three weeks ago in Syria, more than 1,000 innocent people-including hundreds of children-were murdered in the worst chemical weapons attack of the 21st century. 大约三个星期前,叙利亚包括数百名儿童在内的超过1000名无辜平民
用发展的眼光看中国 ━━在剑桥大学的演讲 (中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝) 尊敬的理查德校长,女士们,先生们: 来到向往已久的剑桥大学,非常高兴。剑桥举世闻名,培养出牛顿、达尔文、培根等许多杰出的科学家、思想家,为人类文明进步作出了重要贡献。今年是剑桥建校800周年,我谨致以热烈祝贺! 这是我第四次访问英国。中英相距遥远,但两国人民的友好交往不断增多。香港问题的圆满解决,经贸、文教、科技等领域
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