Q What does it feel like to be President? THE PRESIDENT: What does it feel like to be the President? You know, some days -- some days you're burdened by some really tough decisions. Some of you may ha
TED演讲之说什么 暗喻言说(2)
This formula works wherever metaphor is present. 这个公式适用于所有的暗喻。 Elvis uses it, but so does Shakespeare in this famous line from "Romeo and Juliet:" Juliet is the sun. 埃尔维斯用到它,莎士比亚也同样用到它,于《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中有这样的
Because my parents would come up to me with my mom saying very different things than other people. 当时我父母都到这里来母亲说的和其他人都很不同 You know she would come up to me and remind me what I want to remind you all t
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. In a few days, our Nation will celebrate Thanksgiving. Like millions of Americans, members of Congress will travel home for the holiday. Unfortunately, as they get to work