As one of the most significant Christian festivals, Easter is a time of reflection and renewal. What it celebrates is the moving and powerful story of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. As the poet Sp
So, in this suburb, the poo and the pee and the wash water are going to this treatment plant right in the middle of the community. 那么,在这片城郊,各种排泄物们和废水正涌向处于区域中心的处理池。 It looks more like a park than a tre
It was my third day on the job at a hot Silicon Valley start-up in early 2013. 这是2013年初,我在硅谷一家热门创业公司工作的第三天。 I was twice the age of the dozen engineers in the room. 我的年龄是那个房间中十几个工程师年龄的两倍。 I'd been brou
第一夫人演讲 "厨师进学校"1
MRS. OBAMA: Thank you, everyone. Good afternoon. So is it hot enough? (Laughter.) We planned this especially. Lots of sun, no breeze, got you in your whites and hats. We’re going to bring you ou
Commencement Speech by Student
学生演讲特辑之一:活出自己的样子 Commencement Speech by Student "We often look to larger-than-life figures to celebrate honor and excellence, from Miss Universe to near-perfect-GWA graduates. I'm not saying it's wron