Men and women of the world move toward free markets through the door to prosperity. 全世界的男男女女则经过通向繁荣的大门进入市场。 The people of the world agitate for free expression and free thought through the door to the
Second, we have to change, but incremental change is not going to be sufficient. 第二,我们必须改变,但是逐步的变化是不够的。 We need transformational change. 我们需要的是转型和变革。 And there are some incremental projects in my coun
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获奖感言英语演讲稿 Hi everyone, My name is Dongqi Yang from china, I am horror to be here today and I am very happy to receive this award. As you can imagine, as international students in Australia, t
名人演讲 :艾玛沃特森达沃斯世界经济论坛HeForShe演讲(2)
Young men, 小伙子们 have you spoken up in a conversation when a women was casually degraded or dismissed? 在一位女性被随意贬低或忽视的谈话之中 你们有没有挺身而出? How did this affect you? How did this affect the women you stepped u