Ministers, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am most grateful to you for sparing your very precious time to be here for this meeting today on Forests and Climate Change, exactly a month befor
TED演讲之伟大预言 胡安·恩利克斯:令人吃惊的新科技(2)
The government, meanwhile, has been acting like Santa Claus. We all love Santa Claus, right? 与此同时,政府扮的像圣诞老人一样,我们都爱圣诞老人不是吗? But the problem with Santa Clause is, if you look at the mandatory spending o
Thank you very much. Good afternoon. It’s wonderful to have so many of you here, in particular to see all of the kids who have been able to join us today. Thank you all for being here. Thank you first
Gu Qiubei 顾秋蓓 上海外国语大学 Shanghai International Studies University 1981年出生于上海。毕业于上海外国语大学会计学专业,获得管理学学士学位。后跨专业直升上外英语语言学文学专业,攻读硕士学位。2003年获得第八届“21世纪.爱立信杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军。 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlem
TED演讲之败中求胜 试验 排除错误和万能神力(2)
So Archie splits the men under his care as best he can into two equal groups. 所以阿奇就把他的病人平分成两组人。他给其中的一半维他命C。他给另一半维他命B12。 He gives half of them vitamin C. He gives half of them vitamin B12. 他给其中的一半维他命C。