励志演讲 :携手打造电子化世界(1)
Good morning, and let me join my HP colleagues and welcome you to HP MegaForum. One of the greatest challenges facing Chinese industry, government and education is to fully capitalize on the benefits
Thank you very much 非常感谢大家 Thank you 谢谢 Thank you, President Powers 谢谢鲍尔斯校长 Provost Fenves, Deans members of the faculty, family and friends 芬维斯教务长 各位主任 教职成员 家属和朋友 and most importantly, the class of 2
As you probably know, the neurotransmitter associated with learning is called dopamine. 你知道,神经递质伴随学习产生的神经递质叫做多巴胺。 It's associated with reward-seeking behavior. 它与寻找奖励的行为相关联 And something very exci
励志演讲 :互联网会改变一切(5)
They understand particularly the large companies organize improperly. You see the spends of controlling increase dramatically removal of the layers of the organizations and the impairment of the workf
My fellow Americans, This weekend, I begin my first trip overseas as President – a trip with historic significance for the American people. I will be visiting with the leaders in many different countr