Similarly, I just directed my first film, A Tale of love in Darkness. 同样,我刚执导了第一部电影,《爱与黑暗的故事》。 I was quite blind to the challenges ahead of me. 我对横在面前的挑战一无所知。 The film is a period film, completely in
He walked faster, right? 他走得快一点了,是吧? I call this the staircase illusion, 我把它称为阶梯假象, and actually when the staircase illusion abruptly ended, he froze, and this is called freezing of gait. 实际上,当阶梯假象突然结
Next, we're going to revitalize the 12,000 miles of inland waterways, the lifeblood of the American heartland. 下一步我们要复兴1.2万英里的内陆水路,这是美国核心地区的大动脉。 Our agriculture, steel and energy producers all depend
President's Radio Address THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This weekend, Americans are celebrating the anniversary of our Nation's independence. Two hundred and thirty-two years ago, our Founding Fathers
In our Olympians, we recognize that no one accomplishes greatness alone. 奥运会让我们认识到,没有人单打独斗能成就伟大。 Even solo athletes have a coach beside them and a country behind them. 每个运动员身旁都有教练,还有他们身后的祖国。 In a seas