Good afternoon,everybody. Over the lastseveral days, the United States has been responding to events as they unfold inUkraine. Throughout this crisis, we have been very clear about onefundamental prin
Last week, my economic team outlined another step in our economic renewal: a massive tax cut to bring jobs and prosperity back to the USA. 上周,我手下负责经济的团队,概述了复兴美国经济另一步行动:大幅减税,让工作岗位和繁荣兴旺重归美国。 We pay the
乔布斯辞职前最后一次公开演讲 2
Mr Jobs, yeah, you drawn as print, that's high-tech we've. Use your finger. Just point in the air... 乔总,你可以用演示器,我们这儿也是有高科技的。 What we've done is we bought this land right here. We try to bu
It speaks to us here in the Capital of the Nation. It speaks to us through the processes of governing in the sovereignties of 48 States. 它在这里、在我国的首都对我们说话。它通过48个主权州的管理过程对我们说话。 It speaks to us in our co
Ted英语演讲:谢谢夸奖,但我可不是指引你的动力——Stella Young
Stella Young在Ted英语演讲:谢谢夸奖,但我可不是指引你的动力。残疾人也只是平凡人,普通人,不想做点平常人的事情就成为激励别人的壮举。 史黛拉•杨(Stella Young)是一位喜剧演员,也是一名新闻记者。她与其他人不同的仅仅是她是一名残疾人。她始终在强调,这一点并不代表她理所当然就应该成为人们的励志榜样。在这个有趣的演讲中,杨把社会将残疾人当做励志范本进行的宣传描述成了“励志情色片