Excuse me 抱歉 Throughout my life, I have rushed to some of my greatest moments 在我这一生中 我匆匆错过了很多伟大的时刻 and I said if I made it to this point and when I made it to this point 我曾经说过 如果我能走到这一天 I would take m
President's Radio Address THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Over the past few days, we have witnessed a startling drop in the stock market -- much of it driven by uncertainty and fear. Many Americans have
《国际英文演讲高手指导》 :用你的语言改变你的人生 精辟的演讲技巧为你揭开演讲之迷,从此踏上成功的演讲之路!商务演讲发掘在商界纵横捭阖,做一个出色的企业家必须具备的语言能力,展示企业家的风范!国家领导人经典演讲说出最代表中国国情的英语,介绍中国,传播文明!政治演讲了解政治演讲的风格,学习伟大政治家的演讲风范!把听众引入正确的位置深层挖掘演讲技巧,用精彩绝伦的语言套牢听众的视线、精神与灵魂。Welc
President Bush Discusses the Transition with Employees of the Executive Office of the President THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. Mr. Vice President and Lynne, thank you for being here with us.
The other thing that religions know is we're not just brains, we are also bodies. 宗教还知道我们人类不仅仅有智慧,我们还有躯体 And when they teach us a lesson, they do it via the body. 所以他们通过身体来教会我们道理 So for example, t