Twitter创始人Jack Dorsey演讲 :CEO就像总编
But by editorial, 说到编辑 I mean there are a thousand things that we could 我是指我们正在做的1000件事里 be doing but there's only one or two that are important 只有一两件是重要的 All of these ideas and 来自用户的 all of these
President Bush Meets with Democratic Republic of the Congo President Kabila
PRESIDENT BUSH: It's my honor to welcome back to the Oval Office President Kabila. Thanks for coming, sir. The President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The last time the President was here w
So if you think about what it means to learn arithmetic or to learn to read, 因此,如果你思考学习算术和阅读意义何在, you're actually, literally rewriting your own brain. 那实际上你就是在重写你自己的大脑。 You're changing the mic
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The President was in South Florida today at Miami Central Senior High School, kicking off a month focusing on education. Miami Central has received more than $750,000 in federal School Improvement Gra