The time I've spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors. 在我竞选期间与他们一起度过的时光是我无上的荣耀。 Our veterans are incredible people. We will embark upon a project of national growth and
经典名人英语演讲稿08:拿破仑的领袖精神深入人心。 声情并茂告别卫队演讲稿
8. Napoleon with Musical Farewell Guard of the Speech 8. 拿破仑的领袖精神深入人心。 声情并茂告别卫队演讲稿 I Want to Embrace You 我要拥抱你们 My dear comrade-in-arms: 我亲爱的战友们: You will have to cherish yourselves. In the past twent
Last night, our country fell victim to a brutal terrorist attack once again. As a result, I have just chaired a meeting of the government's emergency committee and I want to update you with the latest
奥巴马演讲 Honoring Social Security
Remarks of President Barack ObamaAs Prepared for DeliveryAugust 14, 2010Washington, DC Seventy-five years ago today, in the midst of the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt signed Social Security int
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