Ted英语演讲:成功的钥匙?毅力——Angela Lee Duckworth
辞去企业管理咨询行业的一份前途无量的工作, 安吉拉 李 杜克沃斯到纽约的一所公立学校教七年级学生数学。她很快意识到IQ并不是将呢写成功的学生和那些挣扎过但失败的学生区分开来的唯一标准。在这里,她解释了她自己的理论——成功的先兆是”毅力”。 Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit &nbs
奥巴马每日发言Weekly Address(2009.8.15)
Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, August 15th, 2009 This week, I’ve been traveling across our country to discuss health insurance reform and to hear directly from folks like y
Everyone, please think of your biggest personal goal. 请大家想想你们最大的人生目标。 For real -- you can take a second. 实际的人生目标。你得想一会儿。 You've got to feel this to learn it. 你有感觉知道你的目标。 Take a few seconds and think o
An evolutionary biologist at Purdue University named William Muir studied chickens. He was interested in productivity — I think it's something that concerns all of us — but it's easy to measure in c
Ted英语演讲:卡尔·欧诺黑:推崇 慢活主义
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