They fell in love, married 他们坠入爱河 缔结良缘 my older brother was born in New York City 在纽约市生下我哥哥 and then returned to Korea 然后回到韩国 I was born in Seoul and when I was five 我出生在首尔 在我五岁时 my family moved back
Chip Reid. Q Thank you, Mr. President. Actually, I'm going to have to get my glasses out to read these -- THE PRESIDENT: That’s a bad sign there, Chip. (Laughter.) Q A little fine print -- a lit
President Bush Arrives in Bahrain
January 12, 2008 THE PRESIDENT: Your Majesty, thank you very much for bestowing upon me the award. I'm most honored. I accept it on behalf of the people of the United States of America. I also thank y
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Q Where is your line in the sand? THE PRESIDENT: Well, look, I’ve got a whole bunch of lines in the sand. Not making the tax cuts for the wealthy permanent -- that was a line in the sand. Making