We're ordering it the right way, but we're also simplifying the rules so that they're human-readable 我们以正确的顺序排列信息,但同时我们也在简化规则,使其简单易懂, so that people can actually understand themselves when
王力宏牛津大学演讲 8
Then let's take another look at this state of union, the East-West union with this soft power bias. 现在再来看看我们的“联合情况”吧,存在软实力偏见的东西文化的联合。 How is the soft power exchange between these two roommates? 这两
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, Big Easy! (Applause.) Everybody, give it up for Nancy for that great introduction. (Applause.) It is good to be back in New Orleans. This is what passes for winter here in New Or
President's Radio Address THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, I gave my official farewell speech to the men and women of America's Armed Forces in a ceremony at Fort Myer, Virginia. For the past e
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