How do you define ... "Daily active usage" seems like a really dangerous term to be optimizing. Taken, 你是如何定义……过于美化“每日活跃参与度”这个数值似乎是一件危险的事, taken alone, it is, but you didn't let me finis
n honor of one of the most tasty of American traditions, Thanksgiving, we are serving up five delicious White House videos complete with all the fixin's. From grilling with the New Orleans Saints to c
AMBASSADORISCHINGER:Thanks very much. I think now we can continue. It’s my great pleasure now toopen our second panel this morning. We have two longtime friends of the MunichSecurity Conference. Both
President Bush Discusses the Protect America Act of 2007
September 19, 2007 11:50 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I have just received a briefing from Director McConnell and Lieutenant General Alexander, as well as other members of my national securit
奥巴马演讲 我相信美国4
That’s why we’re trying to make it easier for workers to save for retirement and fighting the efforts of some in the other party to privatize Social Security -- because as long as I’