TED演讲之现在或永不 我为什么划船横渡太平洋(8)
But, as I was approaching the end of my water reserves, luckily, our courses were converging. 但是正当我储备的水接近枯竭时,我们幸运地碰到了一起。 They were running out of food; I was running out of water. 他们没有了食物,我没有了水。 So we
The Shocker
学生演讲特辑之四:在这个社会个性、“一鸣惊人”与“成功”的关系 The Shocker Ashley Mack I was standing in line at a supermarket last August when a headline on a rather credible news source caught my attention. "Thousand Pound Baby E
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President Bush and President Vázquez of Uruguay Participate
March 10, 2007 11:53 A.M. (Local) PRESIDENT VÁZQUEZ: (As translated.) Mr. President of the United States of America, Madam Secretary of State, members of the delegation visiting us, the Ministe
TED演讲之入门 内向性格的力量(1)
When I was nine years old, I went off to summer camp for the first time. 当我九岁的时候,我第一次去参加夏令营。 And my mother packed me a suitcase full of books, which to me seemed like a perfectly natural thing to do.